946 13 years ago
Down the runway and into the white clouds, raise your anchor and raise the sails, now let the sun guide our way through the sparkling waves to the lush destinations ahead. Approaching port, slip into something comfortable, and into a lounge climate of smooth, fresh, warm delights we go forth.........

trax list deluxe.........
1. 1st Class- "Liquid Harmony" Inspiring Beach Chillout
2. Le Garage - "Eurpoa Camping"
3. Eddie Silverton - "Lost Faces"
4. Andy Compton - "Samba"
5. DJ Mishakov - "Ice and Whisky"
5. Silent Breeze - "That's The Way It Is"
6. Rene Breitbarth -"Arabian Nights"
7. Deepsoundexpress - "Night Vision"
8. Don Carlos - "Temptations"
9. Syke' N; Sugarstarr - "Toda A Minha Vida" DK Antoine & Mark Lounge mix
10. Sepia - "Last Tango In Paris" Original Ballad mix
11. J. Sasez - "La Siempre"
12. Club Camarillo - "Etoile Du Sud"
13. Clappmashine - "Tuesday"
14. Don Gorda Project - "Surfing Emotional Waves"
15. Deepsoundexpress - "After Midnight"
15. Ebbo - "The Way" feat. Osunlade


Hektor Thillet
Hektor Thillet

Esto esta delicioso!
