783 7 years ago
 The Second Part of the first of many specials coming up before Xmas Eve - This was aired on 18.12.2016 and all to do with TRAMP  RECORDS - Do Hope you find something to enjoy here?

 FIND OUT ALL ABOUT OUR AUTUMN / WINTER SESSIONS & DON'T MISS A SHOW or  TRACK - LIST WITH OUR NEW BLOG; Everything  all in one place and with links for lots more from World Recipes to Cult Movie  Recommendations & 101 Music Documentaries to  keep you entertained - Our own mixes, guests mixes and digs galore so use the  links provided and open a veritable can of musical  worms to keep you busy! 

 autumnwintersessions2016.weebly.com - Full Schedules of ALL SHOWS of this season which runs until Jan 6th 2017 plus lots,  lots  more for you to explore! New Guests, New Concepts, New Features and New Mixes aplenty on the way.

 There's also a few spotlight specials on the way :-) Keep 'em peeled! 

 Yet more late night audio adventures from leftfield ideal for acoustic astronauts up on a late one. 
 Normally Every Weds from 21.30GMT - 2 x shows over 2 stations = 1 magical musical journey  from the far side of groove and chill

 pt 1 21.20 - 23.30 - strangecargo.listen2myshow.com
 then half hour break and over to
 pt 2 00.00 - 02.00 - soullegendsradio.com

 >>> to best stay informed use FB (personal contact) via  facebook.com/mark.gardner.904108

 The group "SugarBush" can be found here and always advertises the shows in advance, later placing archived copies of the  recordings here also.  facebook.com/groups/162259497305

 We have old archived mixes, recipes and cult movie selections over at our rather old blog;

 All tracks compiled and mixed by

03 Sid Sidney Wallace & The Belairs - Green Power [Tramp Records]
07 CT Four Plus - Exodus II [Tramp Records]
04 The Gingerbread Express - Missed Another Day [Tramp Records]
02 The Qualitons - Overdose [Tramp Records]
10 Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours - Cheeba's Couch [Sunstreet]
10 The Lime - Soul Kitchen [Tramp Records]
10 Tommy Palmer Trio - Swingin' the Down Home Blues [Tramp Records]
09 The Eminent Stars - My Baby Is Hot [Tramp Records]
04 The Eminent Stars - Ready to Fly (feat. Imelda) [Tramp Records]
09 Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours - Hash Cake [Sunstreet]
13 The Qualitons - Aua [Tramp Records]
01 Peter Janssens - Eingangslied (Die Rocker) [Tramp Records]
07 Third Stream - In a Galaxy Far Away [Tramp Records]
01 Lucky Brown - Mystery Road [Tramp Records]
08 The Qualitons - Kekfeny [Tramp Records]
14 Lucky Brown - Extinction [Tramp Records]
01 William Cummings - Your Soul Searching Love [Tramp Records]
12 Wanda Stafford - Blue Guitar [Tramp Records]
19 John Timmons - Love at First Sight (feat. Funkshun) (Instrumental) [Tramp Records]
07 Jesse Morgan - You've Changed For The Worst [Tramp Records]
14 Michael Merchant - Figs Grow in the Winter Time [Tramp Records]
08 Jesse Morgan - You And Me Baby [Tramp Records]
11 Wanda Stafford - Happy Sunday [Tramp Records]
04 Sid Sidney Wallace & The Belairs - The Grinder [Tramp Records]
10 Larry Covin - Masquerade [Tramp Records]
16 Nicodemus - Iceland Land of the Micemen [Tramp Records]
12 The Three Souls - Herby's Tune [Tramp Records]
08 Joe B - The Dude [Tramp Records]
06 JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra - Witness [Tramp Records]
05 Kay Dennis - Sunny [Tramp Records]
06 Peter Janssens Gruppe - Jerusalem, Urbild unsrer Städte [Tramp Records]
03 Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours - Now Look Here! [Sunstreet]
01 Feather - Be Real [Tramp Records]
11 Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours - Salt Popcorn [Sunstreet]
10 The Eminent Stars - Tune In [Tramp Records]
07 Lucky Brown - Negra Modelo [Tramp Records]
15 Lucky Brown - Exquisite Corpse (Part 1) [Tramp Records]
16 City News - Chan the Man [Tramp Records]
15 City News - Bustin Up [Tramp Records]
02 JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra - One by One [Tramp Records]
06 Lucky Brown - Tibor [Tramp Records]
04 Lucky Brown - Argon (Part 1) [Tramp Records]
01 Michael Dues - Goodbye Rainbow [Tramp Records]
10 Luna Brothers Trio - Mozambique [Tramp Records]
07 The Rosewood Trio - West 15th Street Strut [Tramp Records]
10 The Qualitons - Kulmi [Tramp Records]
01 The Eminent Stars - Bens Dungeon [Tramp Records]
07 The Qualitons - A.C. Blues [Tramp Records]
15 Tim Angenend - Fun City [Tramp Records]
17 Portis Brothers - Summer Love, Pt. 2 [Tramp Records]
05 The Eminent Stars - Jumping Beans [Tramp Records]
10 Feather - Trips [Tramp Records]
01 The Qualitons - C'mon Baby Get Heavy With Me (Vocal) [Tramp Records]
14 Finnigan & Finlan - Seasons of Doubt [Tramp Records]
10 Walt Bolen - Breaking Out [Tramp Records]
03 The Qualitons - Ejjel a Sotetben (Vocal) [Tramp Records]
11 Lucky Brown - Buddha on the Road [Tramp Records]
08 The Eminent Stars - Dead Cat (feat. Bruce James) [Tramp Records]
09 Church Band - Eingangslied (Ein Tisch und eine Sprache) [Tramp Records]
09 Oladepo Ogomodede - It's Your Thing [Tramp Records]
09 JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra - Dancers in the Darkness [Tramp Records]
03 Lucky Brown - Lookout There's a Freight Train Comin' [Tramp Records]
03 JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra - KEW [Tramp Records]
13 The Eminent Stars - Voodoo Do Mar (feat. Aricia Mess) [Tramp Records]
09 Lucky Brown - Brown's Bag (Part 1) [Tramp Records]
12 Lucky Brown - Santosa [Tramp Records]
11 The Eminent Stars - Smokey One (feat. Steffen Morrison) [Tramp Records]
08 Ellen Jackson - Getto Boogie [Tramp Records]


1 Green Power [Tramp Records] by Sid Sidney Wallace & The Belairs
2 Exodus II [Tramp Records] by CT Four Plus
3 Missed Another Day [Tramp Records] by The Gingerbread Express
4 Overdose [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
5 Cheeba's Couch [Sunstreet] by Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours
6 Soul Kitchen [Tramp Records] by The Lime
7 Swingin' the Down Home Blues [Tramp Records] by Tommy Palmer Trio
8 My Baby Is Hot [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
9 Ready to Fly (feat. Imelda) [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
10 Hash Cake [Sunstreet] by Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours
11 Aua [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
12 Eingangslied (Die Rocker) [Tramp Records] by Peter Janssens
13 In a Galaxy Far Away [Tramp Records] by Third Stream
14 Mystery Road [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
15 Kekfeny [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
16 Extinction [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
17 Your Soul Searching Love [Tramp Records] by William Cummings
18 Blue Guitar [Tramp Records] by Wanda Stafford
19 Love at First Sight (feat. Funkshun) (Instrumental) [Tramp Records] by John Timmons
20 You've Changed For The Worst [Tramp Records] by Jesse Morgan
21 Figs Grow in the Winter Time [Tramp Records] by Michael Merchant
22 You And Me Baby [Tramp Records] by Jesse Morgan
23 Happy Sunday [Tramp Records] by Wanda Stafford
24 The Grinder [Tramp Records] by Sid Sidney Wallace & The Belairs
25 Masquerade [Tramp Records] by Larry Covin
26 Iceland Land of the Micemen [Tramp Records] by Nicodemus
27 Herby's Tune [Tramp Records] by The Three Souls
28 The Dude [Tramp Records] by Joe B
29 Witness [Tramp Records] by JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra
30 Sunny [Tramp Records] by Kay Dennis
31 Jerusalem, Urbild unsrer Städte [Tramp Records] by Peter Janssens Gruppe
32 Now Look Here! [Sunstreet] by Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours
33 Be Real [Tramp Records] by Feather
34 Salt Popcorn [Sunstreet] by Reverend Cleatus & The Soul Saviours
35 Tune In [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
36 Negra Modelo [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
37 Exquisite Corpse (Part 1) [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
38 Chan the Man [Tramp Records] by City News
39 Bustin Up [Tramp Records] by City News
40 One by One [Tramp Records] by JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra
41 Tibor [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
42 Argon (Part 1) [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
43 Goodbye Rainbow [Tramp Records] by Michael Dues
44 Mozambique [Tramp Records] by Luna Brothers Trio
45 West 15th Street Strut [Tramp Records] by The Rosewood Trio
46 Kulmi [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
47 Bens Dungeon [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
48 A.C. Blues [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
49 Fun City [Tramp Records] by Tim Angenend
50 Summer Love, Pt. 2 [Tramp Records] by Portis Brothers
51 Jumping Beans [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
52 Trips [Tramp Records] by Feather
53 C'mon Baby Get Heavy With Me (Vocal) [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
54 Seasons of Doubt [Tramp Records] by Finnigan & Finlan
55 Breaking Out [Tramp Records] by Walt Bolen
56 Ejjel a Sotetben (Vocal) [Tramp Records] by The Qualitons
57 Buddha on the Road [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
58 Dead Cat (feat. Bruce James) [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
59 Eingangslied (Ein Tisch und eine Sprache) [Tramp Records] by Church Band
60 It's Your Thing [Tramp Records] by Oladepo Ogomodede
61 Dancers in the Darkness [Tramp Records] by JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra
62 Lookout There's a Freight Train Comin' [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
63 KEW [Tramp Records] by JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra
64 Voodoo Do Mar (feat. Aricia Mess) [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
65 Brown's Bag (Part 1) [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
66 Santosa [Tramp Records] by Lucky Brown
67 Smokey One (feat. Steffen Morrison) [Tramp Records] by The Eminent Stars
68 Getto Boogie [Tramp Records] by Ellen Jackson


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