888 7 years ago
 Not our normal flavours at all on offer tonight but instead something for our elder listeners and fans of our prior late Saturday night  show over at SLR "The Twilight Tones" - So it's upfront to progressive, over to deep, twisting into tech, fading into acid, even some  dashes of D & B at the end to finish - it's JUNO RECORDS tribute night and we've tried to give you as wide a view of the label as we  are able in the hope that you investigate it further deeper and for yourself - it's a great resource for both DJ's & music fans alike with  all sorts of goodies on offer in its back catalogues and spin off subsidiaries :-)  Do hope you find something to enjoy here?

Farbror Resande Mac - Drakryggen (Max Essa Paradise In Dub Remix) [Is It Baleric - IIB 0
Darling - Jacob's Lead (VD24)
Roy Of The Ravers - Emotinium
Mr. Tophat - Highvalley
SAM - Marabouda  [Oscillat Music - OSC 001]
Culture Hub - External Space [Invisible Circles - IC 03]
Daniel Curpen - Daddy Was A Thug (Jamie Trench Dub Edit)
Hannes Netzell - Under Bron
Sem Marini - Voltage [Ultra Knites - UKR 003]
OCH Deltic Official
The Model Dungeon Man Official
Janeret - Skyward [Courtesy Of Balance - COB 6]
SAM - Decoy [Oscillat Music - OSC 001]
Jonno & Tommo - Close The Door
Steve Huerta  - Apothere [Amadeus - AMA 014]
Federico Curatolo - House Music [124 Black - 124B 002]
Supertape - Nothing Else
Daniele Temperilli - Fakey Fop
Darren Harris - Orion Nebula [Ferox - FERLP9]
U Know & The Drill - Stackin Papers [Slap Funk - SLPFNK006]
NWS - Peace
Och - The Magic Flute
Hannes Netzell - Undersigned
Stooge Wilson - Menace
Nicholas - Together Beats
NWS - Home Is Where the Beat Is
Steve Huerta - Swing Set feat Urulu [Amadeus - AMA 014]
Toni Be - Lovely City [Courtesy Of Balance -  COB 6]
David Moran & Mark Crumbs - Tha Bassment
Rhythm & Soul - 1998 (Djebali Dub Remix) [Silver Network - Silver 038]
Maad Maxx Traxxe - Lakeshore Rollin [Pressed For Time - PFTV 004]
Ada Kaleh - O Sear De Rgaz
Archie Hamilton - Celine's Dub
James Johnston - Hang Up (Dudley Strangeways Remix)
Genius of Time - Tuffa Trummor med Synt
Tomska - Same Old Shit [Courtesy Of Balance - COB 6]
Ferro - Adult Fishing
Rebel & Twon - Itchy Fingaz
Play 4 The City - Good Groove [Plastik People - PP 03]
Adam Strömstedt & Alan Delius - B1 Blame It On Skavsta (JYC-007)
Jacob B - Murk [124 Black - 124B 002]
Ave Astra - All I Wanna Say [124 Black - 124B 002]
YSE - Sidehackers [Pressed For Time - PFTV 004]
Janeret - Wild Tunnel
Mandar - 808 Ruffneck Business
A1 Christopher Rau - The Green Bean [JYC-005]
Torre Bros Melted Faces (Borrowed Identity Remix)   Numoment Recordings 011
Lazare Hoche Malin Genie - Oh! Snap [Lazare Hoche - LHR 09]
Daniel Leseman - Drums 119.5
Rhythm&Soul - The Groove Maker (Jef K Remix)
Bastien Carrara - Morning Deep
Moon B - Entropic Feelings (Side B, Track 2)
Culture Hub - Modern Aesthetic [Invisible Circles - IC 03]
Mandar - Naughty Mandar
Steve Huerta - Kingsley's Groove (Glenn Astro Remix) [Amadeus - AMA 014]
Affie Yusuf - Katsura [I Love Acid - ILA 002]
Daniel Leseman - Time To Go
Maurice Aymard - Different Channels feat Andrea Olarte (Jonas Saalbach Remix)
RNTR003    A2 - Caserta - If It Wasn't For You    12  Purple Vinyl!
LK  - Oolong  [Ruff Draft - RUFFDRAFT 02]
HVL - Deep Survey
Saine - Tenfold (Business Hours EP) - Sleazy Beats Black Ops 5
Steve Cook - Hacid
DFRNT - Flow (with Fault Lines)
Takuya Matsumoto - Red Radio
LK - Mark It (Take 3) [Ruff Draft - RUFFDRAFT 02]
Roberto Bosco  - Untitle 2
Dices presents Untitled Gear - Keep Moving
Huerco S. - A Sea Of Love
Farbror Resande Mac - Magma [Is It Baleric - IIB 035]
LSB - Leave [Soul R - SOULR063]
Anile - Depths [Soul R - SOULR063]
Kid Drama - What Used To Be [Soul R - SOULR063]


1 Drakryggen (Max Essa Paradise In Dub Remix) [Is It Baleric IIB 035] by Farbror Resande Mac
2 Jacob's Lead (VD24) by Darling
3 Emotinium by Roy Of The Ravers
4 Highvalley by Mr. Tophat
5 Marabouda [Oscillat Music OSC 001] by SAM
6 External Space [Invisible Circles IC 03] by Culture Hub
7 Daddy Was A Thug (Jamie Trench Dub Edit) by Daniel Curpen
8 Under Bron by Hannes Netzell
9 Voltage [Ultra Knites UKR 003] by Sem Marini
10 Juno by OCH Deltic Official
11 Juno by The Model Dungeon Man Official
12 Skyward [Courtesy Of Balance COB 6] by Janeret
13 Decoy [Oscillat Music OSC 001] by SAM
14 Close The Door by Jonno & Tommo
15 Apothere [Amadeus AMA 014] by Steve Huerta
16 House Music [124 Black 124B 002] by Federico Curatolo
17 Nothing Else by Supertape
18 Fakey Fop by Daniele Temperilli
19 Orion Nebula [Ferox FERLP9] by Darren Harris
20 Stackin Papers [Slap Funk SLPFNK006] by U Know & The Drill
21 Peace by NWS
22 The Magic Flute by Och
23 Undersigned by Hannes Netzell
24 Menace by Stooge Wilson
25 Together Beats by Nicholas
26 Home Is Where the Beat Is by NWS
27 Swing Set feat Urulu [Amadeus AMA 014] by Steve Huerta
28 Lovely City [Courtesy Of Balance COB 6] by Toni Be
29 Tha Bassment by David Moran & Mark Crumbs
30 1998 (Djebali Dub Remix) [Silver Network Silver 038] by Rhythm & Soul
31 Lakeshore Rollin [Pressed For Time PFTV 004] by Maad Maxx Traxxe
32 O Sear De Rgaz by Ada Kaleh
33 Celine's Dub by Archie Hamilton
34 Hang Up (Dudley Strangeways Remix) by James Johnston
35 Tuffa Trummor med Synt by Genius of Time
36 Same Old Shit [Courtesy Of Balance COB 6] by Tomska
37 Adult Fishing by Ferro
38 Itchy Fingaz by Rebel & Twon
39 Good Groove [Plastik People PP 03] by Play 4 The City
40 B1 Blame It On Skavsta (JYC007) by Adam Strömstedt & Alan Delius
41 Murk [124 Black 124B 002] by Jacob B
42 All I Wanna Say [124 Black 124B 002] by Ave Astra
43 Sidehackers [Pressed For Time PFTV 004] by YSE
44 Wild Tunnel by Janeret
45 808 Ruffneck Business by Mandar
46 The Green Bean [JYC005] by A1 Christopher Rau
47 Juno by Torre Bros Melted Faces (Borrowed Identity Remix) Numoment Recordings 011
48 Oh! Snap [Lazare Hoche LHR 09] by Lazare Hoche Malin Genie
49 Drums 119.5 by Daniel Leseman
50 The Groove Maker (Jef K Remix) by Rhythm&Soul
51 Morning Deep by Bastien Carrara
52 Entropic Feelings (Side B, Track 2) by Moon B
53 Modern Aesthetic [Invisible Circles IC 03] by Culture Hub
54 Naughty Mandar by Mandar
55 Kingsley's Groove (Glenn Astro Remix) [Amadeus AMA 014] by Steve Huerta
56 Katsura [I Love Acid ILA 002] by Affie Yusuf
57 Time To Go by Daniel Leseman
58 Different Channels feat Andrea Olarte (Jonas Saalbach Remix) by Maurice Aymard
59 Caserta If It Wasn't For You 12 Purple Vinyl! by RNTR003 A2
60 Oolong [Ruff Draft RUFFDRAFT 02] by LK
61 Deep Survey by HVL
62 Tenfold (Business Hours EP) Sleazy Beats Black Ops 5 by Saine
63 Hacid by Steve Cook
64 Flow (with Fault Lines) by DFRNT
65 Red Radio by Takuya Matsumoto
66 Mark It (Take 3) [Ruff Draft RUFFDRAFT 02] by LK
67 Untitle 2 by Roberto Bosco
68 Keep Moving by Dices presents Untitled Gear
69 A Sea Of Love by Huerco S.
70 Magma [Is It Baleric IIB 035] by Farbror Resande Mac
71 Leave [Soul R SOULR063] by LSB
72 Depths [Soul R SOULR063] by Anile
73 What Used To Be [Soul R SOULR063] by Kid Drama



