1007 6 years ago

Sax And Stuff Part 1 - 105:52 mins - 320 kbps

00:00 - Masterjon - Seachange - Ultimate Dilemma - 1996
04:30 - JMJ & Richie - Free La Funk (PFM Remix) - Moving Shadow - 1995
11:10 - Future Bound - Ephemeris - Timeless Recordings - 1997
19:50 - A Touch Of Jazz - Respected But Not Accepted - Precious Materials - 1995
26:38 - Intense - West Side Blues - Diverse Recordings - 1997
32:50 - The Architex - Somewhere - Basement Records - 1996
39:30 - Sci-Clone - Furious - Funk Of Fury Recordings - 2003
45:22 - PHD - Reminiscent Rhythms - Ascendant Grooves - 1997
52:15 - Blu Mar Ten - Futureproof - Good Looking Records - 1997
60:24 - Intense - Shara - Good Looking Records - 1999
66:24 - Intense - The Sax Lick - Way Out Records - 1996
73:17 - Helen T - Losing (Slipmaster J Mix) - Higher Limits/Dee Jay Recordings - 1997
80:08 - Intense - Careless Minds - Good Looking Records - 1996
86:20 - Jazz Cartel - Blue Haze - Creative Wax - 1996
92:45 - Intense - Positive Notions - Good Looking Records - 1996
99:45 - Namaste' - Open Your Eyes - Irma - 1997


1 Masterjon Seachange Ultimate Dilemma 1996 by 00:00
2 JMJ & Richie Free La Funk (PFM Remix) Moving Shadow 1995 by 04:30
3 Future Bound Ephemeris Timeless Recordings 1997 by 11:10
4 A Touch Of Jazz Respected But Not Accepted Precious Materials 1995 by 19:50
5 Intense West Side Blues Diverse Recordings 1997 by 26:38
6 The Architex Somewhere Basement Records 1996 by 32:50
7 SciClone Furious Funk Of Fury Recordings 2003 by 39:30
8 PHD Reminiscent Rhythms Ascendant Grooves 1997 by 45:22
9 Blu Mar Ten Futureproof Good Looking Records 1997 by 52:15
10 Intense Shara Good Looking Records 1999 by 60:24
11 Intense The Sax Lick Way Out Records 1996 by 66:24
12 Helen T Losing (Slipmaster J Mix) Higher Limits/Dee Jay Recordings 1997 by 73:17
13 Intense Careless Minds Good Looking Records 1996 by 80:08
14 Jazz Cartel Blue Haze Creative Wax 1996 by 86:20
15 Intense Positive Notions Good Looking Records 1996 by 92:45
16 Namaste' Open Your Eyes Irma by 99:45



top mix


Opening track....- Nice. Fluid and subtle basslines on this one with the female croon. 7:25 mark - PERCUSSION. 9:45 - YEAH MAN, FLOWIN'. Female vocals, saxophone, catchy synth melody. 14:55 - LOVELY....deffo gets the mind sailing. 21:25 - Nice chops (piano and bass viola). 29:25 - Yep....diggin' the resonance on the viola. 35:15 - NICE INDEED, prime jazz flava, deffo in the groove right ere. 41:45 - STANK FACE....yeah, dat's dat FUNK. Notice the inverted key structure. https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/hot-scene-emo-girls-22.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=500 - 48:00 - Flute and sax, drifting on those ocean waves. 55:35 - ROLLIN' drums. 63:15 - HEAD NODDIN', straight VIBIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 72:45 - And still VIBIN'. 77:05 - Scattered drum pattern; some fine smoke you got up in ere mate. 82:05 - Yep. Electro swirls on the bones (synth). 88:40 - Man, ya BRINGIN' IT. Some serious jazz licks in ere. 94:35 - Classic cool this one, deffo a staple in any d&b collection. 102:55 - Coda....cascading (synth) and wavy buttons, spectrum business indeed.

- Now this one is serious. This is a combination of mental landscapes and with definitive jazz modality. If you're a jazz d&b or jazz headz you'll easily get LOCKED into this piece. You simply won't notice the time go by.... (1 hr 45 mins - (Jazz d&b Modality, introspective cool.)
