312 14 years ago
Somewhere between Techno and progressive. This track was produced using Ableton Live 8. Drums and percussion is Battery 3. The harsher sounds came from Massive and the melody that comes in during the breakdown is Sylenth. I had a hell of a time on the final mixdown, and still think its overcompressed, but I am never completely happy with any of my final productions. Please have a listen and leave feedback. Anyone that has experience with mixdown and mastering, definitely leave some feedback as I could use all the help I can get in that department.



I liked this track quite a bit :-) The Sylenth melody is great! The drums sound a bit "flat" to be honest, but that might be done on purpose? In addition I would have sidechained the "harsh" sound with the kickdrum (you might have already, but not enough) to give it a more pumping sound.
