632 7 years ago
1 hour set at the 1 in 12 club in Bradford (26.11.16)



OPENING TRACK!!!!!!!! - The subtle intro and by the 1:55 mark (notice the thunder crashes in the background) got the blood FLOWIN'. 4:00 - RUMBLE....and notice the classic Ol' Dirty Bastard vocal samples. 8:15 - WOW...SMH....the melody with the female croon. 9:25 - SHREDDIN' electrical STATIC charges wit' muh teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/wp-content/blogs.dir/471/files/2012/04/i-4d1a1fdd11d0bf13ed9df9ffd5618382-African_rock_python_bites_fence.jpg 13:15 - YA ROLLIN' MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17:20 - CHOPS. Printin' money on dem' old skool ink presses. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/03/99/b6/0399b6d93bdce3b4a6d5952c60f283dd.jpg - 21:55 - \\0// MENTAL. http://murderpedia.org/female.B/images/bishop-amy/amy-bishop-23.jpg - 25:25 - Geometrically CHILLED. 30:10 - And still ROLLIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 31:00 - See whut I mean? 32:10 - (SMILING) WHEW MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUDE BOI indeed. Luv the MELODY right ere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And notice the classic Rakim vocal sample (slowed down). 37:55 - And more MENTAL. http://www.rawstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Ana-Maria-Gonzalez-Angulo-800x430.png - 40:50 - WARPING, ZIPPY BASSLINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 43:10 - LOVELY CHAOS. Feel like losing your mind yet? 46:35 - GO MAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!! SLAYIN' CATS wit' the male vocal hooks!!!!!!!!!! https://www.utne.com/-/media/Images/UTR/Editorial/Articles/Magazine-Articles/2009/11-01/Jamaican-Reggaes-Rude-Boys-Go-to-War/reggaes-rude-boys.jpg - 49:20 - Coda.... And then he returned without his kicks aving a single mark. http://storage.simcoereformer.ca/v1/dynamic_resize/sws_path/suns-prod-images/1297710940191_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80&size=650x&stmp=1433970796377

- Deffo get ready for an old skool RUMBLER d&b headz. Classic style with all the notable elements and audio effects of the genre are covered on this ride. This is street jazz cats, the drums will do the talkin'. (51 mins - ROUGH!)
