291 2 years ago
May regret posting this , on a quick re-listen found some of the levels  rather off .....still , what the heck .

Mixed in one go , random grabbed tunes ,144bpm,  unplanned mix .
Hence no chapters nor titles .

Mixed on cdj 400s , Numark M4 mixer ( recent 2nd hand
Christmas gifts – at the kitchen table due to foot injury ) using Mp3’s  (USB sticks ) recorded onto a Reloop 2 Mp3
recorder , no pc’s  no serato , no
programs nor editing of any kind  – live
as it was mixed.

I've too much time on my hands , hence yet another session. Mrs is going bonkers as I've taken over the kitchen

 Possible mistakes
will be evident. I need to practice!

The title ?

th part of the Astrological mixes – for armchair flight .

 Possible 6th coming

Tune in turn on – pop in those ear buds , cans on , stereo
up . Sit back , choose you’re poison and indulge,  close the eyes and let the mind enter hyperspace listening to this most
amazing form for music.

Travel without moving.

Relax ,enjoy the trip.

I hope it tickles the space between the ears .

Please , any 
feedback  is most gratefully

Boomshanka !

Oz -  Sickrabbit



DJBadger 'The Legendary'

guest DJ for show 5 of DJ Badger's DanceMANIA show 20/25 minutes max used


Sincerely hope it brought a few smiles - cheers !
