563 7 years ago

Feel one with the Universe!!!
Listen to Techno and you will flooding on the waves.
On my way to London reaching into my brains.


1 Advice by Nepemora, Rhythm Box
2 Rippler (El Brujo Remix ) by TWIST3D,El Brujo
3 Flower weed by Breadman
4 Dripping Up YouTube by Everdom
5 Fearing by Angelo Raguso, Kami
6 Floating Shadows EP by Chris Distefano
7 Her Phantom EP by Rodrigo Diaz
8 Ignorance Of The Sailor by Ryan Michael Robbins
9 Night Watch by Rodrigo Diaz
10 Elevated by Rodrigo Diaz



one better year than the last motherbitch yes clear


Dig it


OPENING TRACK!!!!!!!! HA, LUV the female vocal narrative to set the scene. 7:50 mark - YEP!!!!!!!!!!!! Throwin' paint on the black canvas, just listen, you'll get it. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sfmomamedia/media/t/collection_images/uNuoBiExMIfy.jpg - 15:00 - MENTAL. Notice the busy audio elements and that vocal loop in the background. 22:10 - And into the abyss. 24:10 - Yep....she could taste the blood on her lips while waiting in line at the club gates. 28:35 - YEAH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some nice pills right ere. Notice those audio bubbles popping in your ears. 35:05 - Minimalist. Those 1970s air popcorn machines that used to make Sue Ellen's sleepovers all the rave....yeah, that sound. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/West_Bend_Industries_Stir_Crazy_Popcorn_Popper.jpg/440px-West_Bend_Industries_Stir_Crazy_Popcorn_Popper.jpg - 38:20 - WHEW....METALLIC chimes on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 44:30 - Your head should be melting into gelatin by now. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/a5/c2/d2a5c2e3b182af5518d714b4307623a6.jpg - 51:10 - And more minimalist. Basslines, distorted vocal bits, and the alarm in the background. 54:25 - Coda....WHOOSH. Maaaan this is HEAVY. Deffo the dark side of the subconscious if you have the cahunas to still be here. http://www.onlygoodmovies.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/puppet-master.jpg

- Got some dark techno flavaz right ere subconscious headz. These are some heavy sounds for those into abstract expressionism for their mental art. You know if you want this vibe...it's right here. (1 hr - Minimalism.)
