350 9 years ago

The Great Spirit created a world of harmony, a world of justice, a world that is interconnected, a balanced world that has positive and negative, this way and that way, up and down, man and woman, boy and girl, honest and dishonest, responsible and irresponsible, day and night. In other words, He/she created a polarity system. Both sides are to be respected. Both sides or anything are sacred. We need to do good and we need to learn from our mistakes. We need to honor what takes place in the daytime and we need to honor what takes place in the nighttime. We learn that we need to learn and we see what we are supposed to see by staying close to the Great Spirit. We need to be talking to Him/Her all the time, saying "Creator, what is it you want me to learn?"

Great Spirit, let me learn today that all things are sacred. Help me stay close to You, my Creator. To Accept. To Forgive. To Love Thyself down the RedRoad. Thank You Creator. Thank All of You 4 Listening  My Beautiful Always close to My sha'Heart, Family & All My Relations Much Love & Respect.   ~Love AA~           ~Shanti~ ~Shanti~ ~Shanti~



