446 9 years ago

Soulful House -A kind of house. Easy' pleasant music, absorted elements of gospel ,soul and jazz. Soulful sound to the deep house ,but differs indispensable song form (verse- chorus) anf long solo saxophone ,keyboards and flute.


Ofter near term costs and Soulful deep house, and words such as jazzy or funky, and sometimes it does and called lounge .

This is explained by the presence of many live instruments ( piano, saxophone,guitar,trumpet and other wind instruments), improvisation and atypical for a monotone house club musical elements.

We can distinguish two types of soulful house. On the one

Hand, it creates a relaxed atmosphere ,quiet and melodic background'' music it a tempo

118-123bpm. .This is music communication of friends, but not for many thousand dancefloor explosion,music summer evenings by the sea with a cocktail in hand ,thr soundtrack for the trendy shops and cozy evenings in cafes music , more for the soul than the body.One the other hand -i'ts fun and sun motifs with rate 126-128 bpm, stimulating involuntary limb movements-under it is possible and necessary to move and dance.

And the first and the second case it is based on the word soul ( born-the soul ) ,wich determines the mood of the music ,the promise of ist performers.



Deep House (born deep house) – a style of electronic dance music, which appeared at the junction of the “old” Chicago house and gospel. Birth of the style commonly referred to the end of the 1980s.

Birth: 1988 heyday: 1999.

Incorporates elements of soul music (80s), jazz, funk and Detroit techno. Different atmospheric and dense sound. Was originally packed melodies built on chord progressions old played the ghostly sound of electric organ.The Style began to emerge at the same time with the active development of Detroit techno and American garage. It differed from them in jazz (compared to techno), but at the same time more minimalistic sound (compared to the garage). Since the mid 90′s style completely separated from the other styles of house. Outstanding representatives of that time were Eric Kupper (including K-Scope), Kevin Yost, Larry Heard. A very large impact on the distribution of style labels have Guidance, Dessous, Plastic City.



very nice


Thnx RichJL!!
