208 9 years ago

Hi guys, good afternoon (here in Brazil lol) !! 


Another week/month starting and just hope that everything good happens to everyone, because every beginning, everything is renewed, transformed and improved (or not). So let's celebrate the positivity and to start this week off right, let's go with another episode of the podcast you're messing with the guys! 


I hope you enjoy the #JUMBO 6! Always bringing the best of the current electronic music scene, and has warned, this month we have special setmix again! What will be the style this time? Is in the air! 


~ Gomez. 


Live-set recorded on 09/01/14. 

Like on Facebook and stay tuned: http://www.facebook.com/gomezjumbo



Thanks for sharing bro, this upbeat is an awesome way to start the day. Now off yo work for me
