349 10 years ago

After recently reading of peoples desire to live on Mars - a one way journey ,  and then  some astronaut above the Earth singing Bowie songs I decided to throw this lot into the mix , calling  it A one way trip to Mars . Mixed in one go via 4 Pioneer cdj , 2 1000mk 3s , 2  100s - I've never mixed with 4  sources on the go at once . It wasn't easy . the tracks were as always random picked  and recorded direct onto a home Sony hi - fi burner , no corrective programs used  - hence - what you hear is what you get - warts n all . So expect mistakes and possible level differences ( although matched in can / monitors ) . Practise needed ..........

I hope as ever it tickles the space between the ears and transports the listener to another world .....


Tune in turn on ..............




Oz - Sickrabbit  


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