125 12 years ago
I am finally back AGAIN!
Bringing you the BEST of the UNDERGROUND House Music sound around.

But before I begin to tell you about this mixtape.
I like to DEDICATE this mixtape to my friends.
One is new and the other is an old friend.

While I was away, I was going through a rough period in my life.
And these two gentleman help me pull through during that time.

Starting with my new friend first. It was through his music and kind words that help me.
He name is Alex. You know him as SAND B.
While I was away I keep on playing his mixtape “The Celebration Mix”
And just by playing that mixtape with the words to each song help me get through.
What I truly like about Alex is his PASSION for the MUSIC.
It is almost like we grew up together .
On the same block playing and listening to KISS-FM.
His knowledge for the old school Music is so profound.
I appreciate and respect him very much.

The second friend I have to say.
We must of pass by one another a million times in our lifetime.
Walk up and down the streets of New York City
We were at the same clubs.
Shop at the same record stores.
Listen to the same music.
Staying up all night recording Tony Humphries at night.
And NOT one time did we ever meet.

Not until years and years later in our life.
He goes by the name DIXMIX.
Now Dixmix has ALWAYS inspires me mentally.
And we have always been there for one another.
His knowledge for Music is like no other.
Not only can he talk about House Music, Djing, Mixing Styles.
But he can talk to you and give you history lesson on Jazz, R&B, Disco, Gospel, Rock
Outside of music, he throws down on politics, world events, technology, movies
And the BEST subject of all other than music,
Is talking about…..

I can’t thank you both enough for being there for me.

For this new mixtape it is loaded with ALL NEW TRACKS, ALL NEW MUSIC.
Some with thumping bass lines,
Others with sultry silk vocals.
I have also throw in 3 throw backs tracks.
One you might recognize right away.
Barbara Tucker “I Get Lifted” with the famous Duck Sound.
Mix with a track for DJ Todd Terry
Then immediately following is another classic Dennis Ferrer “Sinfonia Della Notte”
You may not recognize the track title but you probably heard the bass line.
And the third is one from Beyoncé “Sweet Dreams”
Mix together from a track from Pete Tong & Paul Rogers.
Which gave it a more funky beat.

As always THANK YOU to ALL that have taken the TIME to LISTEN.
For those who have DOWNLOADED.
For those who have ADDED it to your LIKES.
and for those who have written COMMENTS.
THANK YOU so much.
It ALL is greatly appreciated.

Until next TIME,


-- ATTITUDE is a LITTLE thing that makes a BIG difference. --
Winston Churchill



great mixes
