186 9 months ago

01. Victor Ruiz, Modeā - Bloom
02. Amazingblaze - Can't Stop
03. Sean Tyas pres. abSTrakt - Feel Alive
04. Des Mitchell - Welcome to the Dance (Connor Woodford Rework)
05. Lostly - As You Leave
06. Will Rees vs Adam Beyer vs Blue Serigala - Come Closer Desert Queen (Bekim Izairi Mashup)
07. Angelus - Salvation
08. Angelus - Parley Pt 2. (The Bassline Will Bring Me Home)
09. Darren Porter, BiXX & Natalie Gioia - Cry for Peace
10. Semper T. - Running Through The Night
11. Will Rees - Natural World
12. Paul Denton - Global Consciousness
13. Mark Sherry - Space People
14. Armin van Buuren - Computers Take Over The World (Maddix Remix)
15. Forza:Duo - Detrimental
16. RAM - RAMplify (Asteroid Remix)
17. Rene Ablaze & Lyd14 - Hologram
18. Bixx, Ana Criado - I Belong
19. Bryan Kearney vs Karney - Compromise
20. Charlotte de Witte - High Street (Amazingblaze Remix)
21. Maarten de Jong, Frank Spector & Luca Morris - Minuetto
22. Will Rees - Sanctuary
23.Peter Miethig - Little Wonders
24. Connor Woodford - Exposure
25. NG Rezonance & PHD & Avaxx - Lost in the Music
26. 0Gravity - Edge of Space
27. Haikal Ahmad vs Ram & David Forbes vs Damian Wasse & Gid Sedgwick - Little Equilibrium Sleep (Bekim Izairi Mashup)
28. Balthazar & JackRock - In the Club
29. Jean Luc & Nick Jay - Ayla 2023
30. DubVision - Fine Day
31. John Askew - Afterburner
32. Angelus - Heart Medicine
33. 7ranZ, Kvaii - Maximum Threshold
34. Filo & Peri Feat. Aruna - Ashley (Arbe & Dann 2023 Rework)
35. JES - You and Me Belong (ReOrder Remix)
36. Mike Van Fabio - Entity
37. Lostly - Reach You
38. DT8 Project feat. Andrea Britton - Winter (ReOrder Remix)
39. Dennis Sheperd & Freak E Beatz Feat. Sander Nijbroek - Higher
40. Liam Wilson - Change The Game
41. Asteroid - Gravitation (Rene Ablaze Remix)
42. Alex Di Stefano - Dark Factory
43. AlphaCube vs Sean Tyas, Somna & Nic Toms - Until the Morning Glow Ends (Bekim Izairi Mashup)
44. Metta & Glyde - Everything Is Energy
45. Rene Ablaze - Awakening
46. Ghost Etiquette - Let Love In (Sam Laxton Remix)
47. Gary McPhail - My Everything
48. Angelus - Sanctuary
49. John O'Callaghan - Flow Through
50. UDM - Illumination (Tom Exo Remix)
51. Temple One & Dave Raval - Perfect Synergy
52. Activa - Velika


1 Bloom by Victor Ruiz, Modeā
2 Can't Stop by Amazingblaze
3 Feel Alive by Sean Tyas pres. abSTrakt
4 Welcome to the Dance (Connor Woodford Rework) by Des Mitchell
5 As You Leave by Lostly
6 Come Closer Desert Queen (Bekim Izairi Mashup) by Will Rees vs Adam Beyer vs Blue Serigala
7 Salvation by Angelus
8 Parley Pt 2. (The Bassline Will Bring Me Home) by Angelus
9 Cry for Peace by Darren Porter, BiXX & Natalie Gioia
10 Running Through The Night by Semper T.
11 Natural World by Will Rees
12 Global Consciousness by Paul Denton
13 Space People by Mark Sherry
14 Computers Take Over The World (Maddix Remix) by Armin van Buuren
15 Detrimental by Forza:Duo
16 RAMplify (Asteroid Remix) by RAM
17 Hologram by Rene Ablaze & Lyd14
18 I Belong by Bixx, Ana Criado
19 Compromise by Bryan Kearney vs Karney
20 High Street (Amazingblaze Remix) by Charlotte de Witte
21 Minuetto by Maarten de Jong, Frank Spector & Luca Morris
22 Sanctuary by Will Rees
23 Little Wonders by Peter Miethig
24 Exposure by Connor Woodford
25 Lost in the Music by NG Rezonance & PHD & Avaxx
26 Edge of Space by 0Gravity
27 Little Equilibrium Sleep (Bekim Izairi Mashup) by Haikal Ahmad vs Ram & David Forbes vs Damian Wasse & Gid Sedgwick
28 In the Club by Balthazar & JackRock
29 Ayla 2023 by Jean Luc & Nick Jay
30 Fine Day by DubVision
31 Afterburner by John Askew
32 Heart Medicine by Angelus
33 Maximum Threshold by 7ranZ, Kvaii
34 Ashley (Arbe & Dann 2023 Rework) by Filo & Peri Feat. Aruna
35 You and Me Belong (ReOrder Remix) by JES
36 Entity by Mike Van Fabio
37 Reach You by Lostly
38 Winter (ReOrder Remix) by DT8 Project feat. Andrea Britton
39 Higher by Dennis Sheperd & Freak E Beatz Feat. Sander Nijbroek
40 Change The Game by Liam Wilson
41 Gravitation (Rene Ablaze Remix) by Asteroid
42 Dark Factory by Alex Di Stefano
43 Until the Morning Glow Ends (Bekim Izairi Mashup) by AlphaCube vs Sean Tyas, Somna & Nic Toms
44 Everything Is Energy by Metta & Glyde
45 Awakening by Rene Ablaze
46 Let Love In (Sam Laxton Remix) by Ghost Etiquette
47 My Everything by Gary McPhail
48 Sanctuary by Angelus
49 Flow Through by John O'Callaghan
50 Illumination (Tom Exo Remix) by UDM
51 Perfect Synergy by Temple One & Dave Raval
52 Velika by Activa


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