279 7 years ago


1 Dark Desires by Rad Rod ft. Lily Garcia
2 When You've Reached Your Peak by Alec Empire
3 Fiend by Fierce, Vicious Circle & Jubei
4 Yours by Scar ft. Orkyd
5 Offline by Skeptical
6 Operation X by Limewax & The Panacea
7 Stolen Desire by Digital & Spirit
8 Timer by Icicle
9 Murmur by Octane, DLR & Break
10 Oblique by Sabre, Stray & Halogenix
11 Krusty Bass Rinser by Logistics
12 Human Nature by Bay B Kane
13 Room Of Mirrors by Counterstrike
14 Arkaik Twelve by Disprove & Signal
15 One Chance by Enei
16 Bounce by Volatile Cycle
17 Cybertron by Muffler
18 Stoned by Calibre
19 False Positive by Module Eight
20 Visions by D Minds
21 Matchstick by Nymfo
22 Behind Time by Alix Perez
23 Let It Hit 'Em by Optiv & BTK
24 Gumshoe by Arkaik
25 Chosen by DJ Hidden
26 Insecticide by Gridlok
27 Discovered by Donny & Current Value
28 Visitation by Survival & Silent Witness
29 Paranoid by Mystification
30 Quadrant 6 by Dom & Optical




Rad Rod ft. Lily Garcia - Dark Desires
Alec Empire - When You've Reached Your Peak
Fierce, Vicious Circle & Jubei - Fiend
Scar ft. Orkyd - Yours
Skeptical - Offline
Limewax & The Panacea - Operation X
Digital & Spirit - Stolen Desire
Icicle - Timer
Octane, DLR & Break - Murmur
Sabre, Stray & Halogenix - Oblique
Logistics - Krusty Bass Rinser
Bay B Kane - Human Nature
Counterstrike - Room Of Mirrors
Disprove & Signal - Arkaik Twelve
Enei - One Chance
Volatile Cycle - Bounce
Muffler - Cybertron
Calibre - Stoned
Module Eight - False Positive
D Minds - Visions
Nymfo - Matchstick
Alix Perez - Behind Time
Optiv & BTK - Let It Hit 'Em
Arkaik - Gumshoe
DJ Hidden - Chosen
Gridlok - Insecticide
Donny & Current Value - Discovered
Survival & Silent Witness - Visitation
Mystification - Paranoid
Dom & Optical - Quadrant 6
