1 | Creatures by A.I |
2 | Serpnt by All We Do |
3 | Rockell (En:vy Remix) by Comfy |
4 | Koherent & GLXY by Darling Sky |
5 | Black Barrel(Premiere) by Different Thing |
6 | Tweakz by Embrace |
7 | Georgie Riot & AIRGLO by Get Down |
8 | The Sauce & T>I by Grits & Jam |
9 | Vex by Heads Down |
10 | Swept by Illusion |
11 | Dubruvvas by Inferno |
12 | L0G1N & MC Fokus by Black Magic |
13 | Creatures by Make Me Sick |
14 | Teej & Resslek by Matrix |
15 | Shaddows by Never The Same |
16 | Agro by Noise Complaint Part 2 |
17 | Teej by Nyx |
18 | Minor Forms & Creatures by Only Kind |
19 | Arkala Dre & R3IDY by Recurrence |
20 | Ill Truth & Amoss by Remember Kelly |
21 | Arkala, Modulate & Unknown Entity by Through To You |
22 | Order Up by Tranmitting Live |