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πŸ’–πŸ πŸŽΆπŸ’―ALL-NEW house, disco and more... only the BEST of yesterday, today and the future of underground music...

House Train Radio with DJ G.Kue

Watch and Listen LIVE on Thursday Nites!
8-10pm Central
9-11pm Eastern
6-8pm Pacific
2-4am UK
HERE -> twitch.tv/HouseTrainRadio



1. Ron Carroll - I Got This (Original Mix) - DistroKid
2. Angelo Ferreri, TSOS - Jingo (Soul Mix) - Mood Funk Records
3. Hugh Heffner - Saturday Luv (Original Mix) - Whore House
4. Husky, Martina Budde, Andre Espeut - Brand New Love (Husky's Club Mix) - Groove Culture
5. Gabriele Intrivici, Makyno, Gr00vyman - We Give You (Original Mix) - Juiced Music
6. Lizze Curious, Da Funk Junkies - Who Got Da Funk (Original Mix) - Curious Energy Records
7. Angelo Ferreri, Danmic's - Is It You - Motive Records
8. Porn Kings - Up To No Good (Alexx Slam & Vova Hunter Remix) - Hypeedit
9. LP Giobbi - Giodisco - Defected Records
10. Alex Preston - Do You Like It Funky - HUGS
11. M-Gee, Mica Paris, Warren Clarke - Bodyswerve (Warren Clarke Remix) - Swing City
12. Jack Wins, 220 Kid & Caitlymn Scarlett - If This Isn't Love - Spinnin' Records ⭐
13. Per QX - Say Yes! (It's An Inside Job) (Original Mix) - Phoenix Music
14. Alan Dixon, Will Tramp - Sunday Stomper (Piano Preacher Mix) - Glitterbox Recordings
15. Dan Corco - Deal With It - Spacedisco Records
16. Funkatomic, Rowetta Satchell - Reach Out (Funkatomic Mix) - WU Records
17. Rita Ora feat. Fatboy Slim - Praising You (Kue Remix) - DJ Promo ⭐⭐
18. Mr. Mike, Nikifor - Love This Life - MAP Dance
19. La1d Back - White H0rse (Never Dull Edit) - Bandcamp
20. Block & Crown - Kiss (Original Mix) - Booth Busters
21. Tonbe - I Saw You Walking Down The Street (Original Mix) - Fruity Flavor ⭐⭐⭐
22. Groovy Kids - Let's Dance (Original Mix) - Super Spicy Records
23. Selva Basaran, Walterino - Disco Dance (Walterino Fckin' Bass Remix) - Purple Disco Records
24. Dutchican Soul - FUN (Kue Remix) - Mogue Records
25. Block & Crown - Self Control (Nu Disco Mix) - Booth Busters
26. Dicky Trisco - Discoteca (Hotmood Mix) - File Under Disco
27. Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle (Purp1e Disc0 Mach1ne Remix) - Strictly Rhythm Records ⭐⭐⭐
28. Flashboy - Shibuya - Club Session
29. MOON TRIP - Bella Ciao - Spa In Disco
30. Nata5ha Bedfingf1eld - Unwritten (Gary Cronly Edit) - DJ Promo
31. C0i L3ray vs Sebb Junior - Players Throw The Dice (Zillionare Edit) - DJ Promo
32. The Ones - Flawless (Phunk Investigation Club) - A Touch Of Class ⭐⭐⭐⭐
33. Jeremih vs Kraak &Smaak, Kafunk - Birthday Sex (Even Steve Funk Edit) - DJ Promo
34. Sp1ce G1rls - Never Give Up 0n The G00d Time - Virg1n

⭐ House Pick of the Week
⭐⭐ Promo Pick of the Week
⭐⭐⭐ NuDisco Pick of the Week
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Throwback Pick of the Week


1 I Got This (Original Mix) by Ron Carroll
2 Jingo (Soul Mix) by Angelo Ferreri, TSOS
3 Saturday Luv (Original Mix) by Hugh Heffner
4 Brand New Love (Husky's Club Mix) by Husky, Martina Budde, Andre Espeut
5 We Give You (Original Mix) by Gabriele Intrivici, Makyno, Gr00vyman
6 Who Got Da Funk (Original Mix) by Lizze Curious, Da Funk Junkies
7 Is It You by Angelo Ferreri, Danmic's
8 Up To No Good (Alexx Slam & Vova Hunter Remix) by Porn Kings
9 Giodisco by LP Giobbi
10 Do You Like It Funkyy by Alex Preston
11 Gee, Mica Paris, Warren Clarke Bodyswerve (Warren Clarke Remix) by M
12 If This Isn't Love by Jack Wins, 220 Kid & Caitlymn Scarlett
13 Say Yes! (It's An Inside Job) (Original Mix) by Per QX
14 Sunday Stomper (Piano Preacher Mix) by Alan Dixon, Will Tramp
15 Deal With It by Dan Corco
16 Reach Out (Funkatomic Mix) by Funkatomic, Rowetta Satchell
17 Praising You (Kue Remix) by Rita Ora feat. Fatboy Slim
18 Love This Life by Mr. Mike, Nikifor
19 White H0rse (Never Dull Edit) by La1d Back
20 Kiss (Original Mix) by Block & Crown
21 I Saw You Walking Down The Street (Original Mix) by Tonbe
22 Let's Dance (Original Mix) by Groovy Kids
23 Disco Dance (Walterino Fckin' Bass Remix) by Selva Basaran, Walterino
24 FUN (Kue Remix) by Dutchican Soul
25 Self Control (Nu Disco Mix) by Block & Crown
26 Discoteca (Hotmood Mix) by Dicky Trisco
27 King Of My Castle (Purp1e Disc0 Mach1ne Remix) by Wamdue Project
28 Shibuya by Flashboy
29 Bella Ciao by MOON TRIP
30 Unwritten (Gary Cronly Edit) by Nata5ha Bedfingf1eld
31 Players Throw The Dice (Zillionare Edit) by C0i L3ray vs Sebb Junior
32 Flawless (Phunk Investigation Club) by The Ones
33 Birthday Sex (Even Steve Funk Edit) by Jeremih vs Kraak &Smaak, Kafunk
34 Never Give Up 0n The G00d Time by Sp1ce G1rls


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