Feeling pretty pleased with the way Disco House vol 1 had turned out (not uploaded here, yet - I've lost the files!), I thought another mix along the same lines might be in order. There were a few tunes left over from the first volume, and I'd picked up a few more on that Full Intention vibe I liked so much, so I put this together over a weekend. For the cover I scanned an old Spider-Man comic. Neat-o!
1 | Make Luv by Room 5 f Oliver Cheatham |
2 | Shark Attack by Wailing Souls |
3 | Come On by Lil Devious |
4 | I Feel Music by Harlem Zip Code |
5 | Ladyland by Black Science Orchestra |
6 | Never Enough by Boris Dlugosch |
7 | Do It Now by ATFC feat Lisa Millett |
8 | Right On by Silicon Soul |
9 | Look At You by George McCrae |
10 | Love is in the Air by Milk & Sugar vs John Paul Young |
11 | Sleeptalk by ATFC feat Lisa Millett |
12 | Misunderstanding by Valerie Etienne |
13 | Lucky Star by SuperFunk |
14 | Lady by Modjo |
15 | Starlight by Supermen Lovers |