194 11 years ago
TOYAH with ATB feat. Fuldner • This Is Your UNKIND Life [Tom Leon Open Hearts Extended Remix] 2013 - 6:46
Date of remix: 2013-04-11

Contains different samples from: ATB feat. Fuldner-This Is Your Life. 

In joyful anticipation of the LOVE IS THE LAW ANNIVERSARY-TOUR 2013!

Cover art taken from Andrew York

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For private and promotional use only!


1 This Is Your UNKIND Life [Tom Leon Open Hearts Extended Remix] 2013 by TOYAH with ATB feat. Fuldner



Yet again great mix, you must think im blowing smoke up your ass, lol, but I'm really not, a.great job do.e again., minx woukd be a great project, just a suggestion, lol. Thank u TOm. :-)
