101 magical musical things for your consideration and listening pleasure, I hope you find something to enjoy in here?
SAMPLE: Man Predicting The Future in 1945 100_ True
SAMPLE: Alnocys - Desconozcamos el origen
Stuzzi - Chilibanana Live from Sunnanhed
Mosfet Tapes - Electrosequence 1 2024
Si Voce Pensa - Le Greck
Love's Supposed to Be - The Allergies
Break Fast - Shawn Lee & Pedigree Cuts
Push On - The Allergies
Thought Trails - DIGITAL 8 Acid Reign
First Disco - (Klute soundtrack, 1971, Michael Small)
Bamboo - Travelling through space and time (1979)
DJ Chief - Ballooon!
DJ Roach - Hotz
Artileqt - Conscious Realism
Konerytmi - Pinkki Ruusu
Anthony Rother - Darker Places (Short Edit)
Sound System Automatic - Robotic Chitchat
Destroy him, my robots - Lloyd Stellar
Croxflava Gangz - Big Thunder Break
ProOne79 - Tilt
Wynder K. Frog - Oh Mary
Wise Men Say - Flevans
Ishtar - Ca va craquer ( France 1982)
Members Of Mayday - Team X-Treme (Pierre Deutschmann Mix)
Eliott Litrowski - Positive Energy
440 Hz - Soul Mirror
Dynamix II - Don't Touch That Dial (DJ Momentum Bass Rockin' Remix)
Konerytmi - Konetekniikka
Blue Hawaii - I Felt Love
RL34 - A2
Pissing Against The Wind - Transparent Sound
Pathway - k_schreiber
Xiaolin - Dance Of The Jungle Moon (Hong Kong) 88 - Double Happiness Vol.5 _ FuFu Records -
Anthony Rother - Kalkulator (Short Edit)
Sterac - Pacifica
Seven Eight (2ATE9 Remix) - Burland
Rein - No Rules
Greta Levska - Radio Gretaaa
Antoni Maiovvi - In Pursuit of Pleasure
Sourc3 - Agustin Barbei
Janeret - Mind
WestBam And Afrika IslamDancing With The Rebels (Extended Mix)
The Undertaker 6 Million Ways
Splurgeboys - Grind Don't Stop
Anthony Rother - Helical (Short Edit)
DJ CHiEF - Uh Oh
Jerome Hill - Scez Princess
Younger Than Me - Protodance Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 4\V_A -
SAMPLE: Latin Machina - Lake Haze
Anthony Rother - Stellarator
DJ CHiEF - Jaffa
Jeff The Fool & Wilt - Jericho
Konerytmi - Modeemi
Special Request - Memory Lake [Houndstooth]
Collo - Pocari Sweat Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 2
integyd.1.3 - Fu Kaisha
ProOne79 - Jackbox
Vestron Vulture - California Star
DJ Bles One - What You Want What You Say
Domingo & Money - Dark Moonlight (D-Lerium Nu-Breaks Mix)
DJ Godfather - TH3YV3 ARR1V3D (Databass)
Manao x Stuster - Take Me Back [Bogoture Records]
Qant - Cosmodrome
Electrosequence 6 - Mosfet Tapes
Planets In Peril - CYRK
The Electrofen is kicking in - G303
Turn This Party Out (Funky Boogie Brothers Remix) - DJ 33 feat. BBK
Polyhedra - DTACK
Aiden Francis - Babylon
Biting Eye - Turbo Power Cutting Out
DJ CHiEF - Pretzel Time!
Marc Brauner - Dirty
Posthuman - Airstrip One (DJ Karawai Remix)
OilKanLeck - SigEnt
Greta Levska - Green Smoke
Never Gonna Stop - DJ Crisps
Judgement Version - JIDEH HIGH ELEMENTS
Kassian - The Machine
SAMPLE: DTACK_ Polyhedra
Secret Flash - Skylined
Ganco - Powerful Blow
Pangaea - The Slip.
SAMPLE: Yosh - Take Down.
Nullptr - Resilience
PROZAK - Give It To You
Cutz Kids - Dawn Razor
Mark Franklin - DNA
Hey`Na dub mix - Schwarzmart
Dicktator - Weekend (Electro Mix)
Ben Pest - Mouth Lawson
Motion Unit - My Mind (Club Mix)
Module One & Soela - If I Only Knew
Sirius B Ft. Hardy Hard & Afrika Bambaataa - If You TechnoLectro
4 Tha Freaks - Sentient State
Giving Up (feat. MAFRO) - TSHA
Will Silver - Playskool Rave
Ways of Fire - Casey Macem
Baby D - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Trick Or Treat Remix)
Trick Or Treat - Harmonize
SAMPLE: Man Predicting The Future in 1945 100_ True
SAMPLE: Alnocys - Desconozcamos el origen
Stuzzi - Chilibanana Live from Sunnanhed
Mosfet Tapes - Electrosequence 1 2024
Si Voce Pensa - Le Greck
Love's Supposed to Be - The Allergies
Break Fast - Shawn Lee & Pedigree Cuts
Push On - The Allergies
Thought Trails - DIGITAL 8 Acid Reign
First Disco - (Klute soundtrack, 1971, Michael Small)
Bamboo - Travelling through space and time (1979)
DJ Chief - Ballooon!
DJ Roach - Hotz
Artileqt - Conscious Realism
Konerytmi - Pinkki Ruusu
Anthony Rother - Darker Places (Short Edit)
Sound System Automatic - Robotic Chitchat
Destroy him, my robots - Lloyd Stellar
Croxflava Gangz - Big Thunder Break
ProOne79 - Tilt
Wynder K. Frog - Oh Mary
Wise Men Say - Flevans
Ishtar - Ca va craquer ( France 1982)
Members Of Mayday - Team X-Treme (Pierre Deutschmann Mix)
Eliott Litrowski - Positive Energy
440 Hz - Soul Mirror
Dynamix II - Don't Touch That Dial (DJ Momentum Bass Rockin' Remix)
Konerytmi - Konetekniikka
Blue Hawaii - I Felt Love
RL34 - A2
Pissing Against The Wind - Transparent Sound
Pathway - k_schreiber
Xiaolin - Dance Of The Jungle Moon (Hong Kong) 88 - Double Happiness Vol.5 _ FuFu Records -
Anthony Rother - Kalkulator (Short Edit)
Sterac - Pacifica
Seven Eight (2ATE9 Remix) - Burland
Rein - No Rules
Greta Levska - Radio Gretaaa
Antoni Maiovvi - In Pursuit of Pleasure
Sourc3 - Agustin Barbei
Janeret - Mind
WestBam And Afrika IslamDancing With The Rebels (Extended Mix)
The Undertaker 6 Million Ways
Splurgeboys - Grind Don't Stop
Anthony Rother - Helical (Short Edit)
DJ CHiEF - Uh Oh
Jerome Hill - Scez Princess
Younger Than Me - Protodance Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 4\V_A -
SAMPLE: Latin Machina - Lake Haze
Anthony Rother - Stellarator
DJ CHiEF - Jaffa
Jeff The Fool & Wilt - Jericho
Konerytmi - Modeemi
Special Request - Memory Lake [Houndstooth]
Collo - Pocari Sweat Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 2
integyd.1.3 - Fu Kaisha
ProOne79 - Jackbox
Vestron Vulture - California Star
DJ Bles One - What You Want What You Say
Domingo & Money - Dark Moonlight (D-Lerium Nu-Breaks Mix)
DJ Godfather - TH3YV3 ARR1V3D (Databass)
Manao x Stuster - Take Me Back [Bogoture Records]
Qant - Cosmodrome
Electrosequence 6 - Mosfet Tapes
Planets In Peril - CYRK
The Electrofen is kicking in - G303
Turn This Party Out (Funky Boogie Brothers Remix) - DJ 33 feat. BBK
Polyhedra - DTACK
Aiden Francis - Babylon
Biting Eye - Turbo Power Cutting Out
DJ CHiEF - Pretzel Time!
Marc Brauner - Dirty
Posthuman - Airstrip One (DJ Karawai Remix)
OilKanLeck - SigEnt
Greta Levska - Green Smoke
Never Gonna Stop - DJ Crisps
Judgement Version - JIDEH HIGH ELEMENTS
Kassian - The Machine
SAMPLE: DTACK_ Polyhedra
Secret Flash - Skylined
Ganco - Powerful Blow
Pangaea - The Slip.
SAMPLE: Yosh - Take Down.
Nullptr - Resilience
PROZAK - Give It To You
Cutz Kids - Dawn Razor
Mark Franklin - DNA
Hey`Na dub mix - Schwarzmart
Dicktator - Weekend (Electro Mix)
Ben Pest - Mouth Lawson
Motion Unit - My Mind (Club Mix)
Module One & Soela - If I Only Knew
Sirius B Ft. Hardy Hard & Afrika Bambaataa - If You TechnoLectro
4 Tha Freaks - Sentient State
Giving Up (feat. MAFRO) - TSHA
Will Silver - Playskool Rave
Ways of Fire - Casey Macem
Baby D - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Trick Or Treat Remix)
Trick Or Treat - Harmonize
1 | xxxx by SAMPLE: Man Predicting The Future in 1945 100_ True |
2 | Desconozcamos el origen by SAMPLE: Alnocys |
3 | Chilibanana Live from Sunnanhed by Stuzzi |
4 | Electrosequence 1 2024 by Mosfet Tapes |
5 | Le Greck by Si Voce Pensa |
6 | The Allergies by Love's Supposed to Be |
7 | Shawn Lee & Pedigree Cuts by Break Fast |
8 | The Allergies by Push On |
9 | DIGITAL 8 Acid Reign by Thought Trails |
10 | (Klute soundtrack, 1971, Michael Small) by First Disco |
11 | Travelling through space and time (1979) by Bamboo |
12 | Ballooon! by DJ Chief |
13 | Hotz by DJ Roach |
14 | Conscious Realism by Artileqt |
15 | Pinkki Ruusu by Konerytmi |
16 | Darker Places (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother |
17 | Robotic Chitchat by Sound System Automatic |
18 | Lloyd Stellar by Destroy him, my robots |
19 | Big Thunder Break by Croxflava Gangz |
20 | Tilt by ProOne79 |
21 | Oh Mary by Wynder K. Frog |
22 | Flevans by Wise Men Say |
23 | Ca va craquer ( France 1982) by Ishtar |
24 | Team XTreme (Pierre Deutschmann Mix) by Members Of Mayday |
25 | Positive Energy by Eliott Litrowski |
26 | Soul Mirror by Hz |
27 | Don't Touch That Dial (DJ Momentum Bass Rockin' Remix) by Dynamix II |
28 | Konetekniikka by Konerytmi |
29 | I Felt Love by Blue Hawaii |
30 | A2 by RL34 |
31 | Transparent Sound by Pissing Against The Wind |
32 | k_schreiber by Pathway |
33 | Dance Of The Jungle Moon (Hong Kong) 88 Double Happiness Vol.5 _ FuFu Records by Xiaolin |
34 | Kalkulator (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother |
35 | Pacifica by Sterac |
36 | Burland by Seven Eight (2ATE9 Remix) |
37 | No Rules by Rein |
38 | Radio Gretaaa by Greta Levska |
39 | In Pursuit of Pleasure by Antoni Maiovvi |
40 | Agustin Barbei by Sourc3 |
41 | Mind by Janeret |
42 | xxxxx by WestBam And Afrika IslamDancing With The Rebels (Extended Mix) |
43 | xxxxxxx by The Undertaker 6 Million Ways |
44 | Grind Don't Stop by Splurgeboys |
45 | Helical (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother |
46 | Uh Oh by DJ CHiEF |
47 | Scez Princess by Jerome Hill |
48 | Protodance Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 4\V_A by Younger Than Me |
49 | Lake Haze by SAMPLE: Latin Machina |
50 | Stellarator by Anthony Rother |
51 | Jaffa by DJ CHiEF |
52 | Jericho by Jeff The Fool & Wilt |
53 | Modeemi by Konerytmi |
54 | Memory Lake [Houndstooth] by Special Request |
55 | Pocari Sweat Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 2 by Collo |
56 | Fu Kaisha by integyd.1.3 |
57 | Jackbox by ProOne79 |
58 | California Star by Vestron Vulture |
59 | What You Want What You Say by DJ Bles One |
60 | Dark Moonlight (DLerium NuBreaks Mix) by Domingo & Money |
61 | TH3YV3 ARR1V3D (Databass) by DJ Godfather |
62 | Take Me Back [Bogoture Records] by Manao x Stuster |
63 | Cosmodrome by Qant |
64 | Mosfet Tapes by Electrosequence 6 |
65 | Rein by RELEASE ME |
66 | CYRK by Planets In Peril |
67 | G303 by The Electrofen is kicking in |
68 | DJ 33 feat. BBK by Turn This Party Out (Funky Boogie Brothers Remix) |
69 | DTACK by Polyhedra |
70 | Babylon by Aiden Francis |
71 | Turbo Power Cutting Out by Biting Eye |
72 | Pretzel Time! by DJ CHiEF |
73 | Polyhedra by SAMPLE: DTACK |
74 | Dirty by Marc Brauner |
75 | Airstrip One (DJ Karawai Remix) by Posthuman |
76 | SigEnt by OilKanLeck |
77 | Green Smoke by Greta Levska |
78 | DJ Crisps by Never Gonna Stop |
79 | JIDEH HIGH ELEMENTS by Judgement Version |
80 | The Machine by Kassian |
81 | xxxxxx by SAMPLE: DTACK_ Polyhedra |
82 | Skylined by Secret Flash |
83 | Powerful Blow by Ganco |
84 | The Slip. by Pangaea |
85 | Take Down. by SAMPLE: Yosh |
86 | Resilience by Nullptr |
87 | Give It To You by PROZAK |
88 | Dawn Razor by Cutz Kids |
89 | DNA by Mark Franklin |
90 | Schwarzmart by Hey`Na dub mix |
91 | Weekend (Electro Mix) by Dicktator |
92 | Mouth Lawson by Ben Pest |
93 | My Mind (Club Mix) by Motion Unit |
94 | If I Only Knew by Module One & Soela |
95 | If You TechnoLectro by Sirius B Ft. Hardy Hard & Afrika Bambaataa |
96 | Sentient State by Tha Freaks |
97 | TSHA by Giving Up (feat. MAFRO) |
98 | Playskool Rave by Will Silver |
99 | Casey Macem by Ways of Fire |
100 | Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Trick Or Treat Remix) by Baby D |
101 | Harmonize by Trick Or Treat |