401 2 months ago
101 magical musical things for your consideration and listening pleasure, I hope you find something to enjoy in here?


SAMPLE: Man Predicting The Future in 1945 100_ True
SAMPLE: Alnocys - Desconozcamos el origen
Stuzzi - Chilibanana Live from Sunnanhed
Mosfet Tapes - Electrosequence 1 2024
Si Voce Pensa - Le Greck
Love's Supposed to Be - The Allergies
Break Fast - Shawn Lee & Pedigree Cuts
Push On - The Allergies
Thought Trails - DIGITAL 8 Acid Reign
First Disco - (Klute soundtrack, 1971, Michael Small)
Bamboo - Travelling through space and time (1979)
DJ Chief - Ballooon!
DJ Roach - Hotz
Artileqt - Conscious Realism
Konerytmi - Pinkki Ruusu
Anthony Rother - Darker Places (Short Edit)
Sound System Automatic - Robotic Chitchat
Destroy him, my robots - Lloyd Stellar
Croxflava Gangz - Big Thunder Break
ProOne79 - Tilt
Wynder K. Frog - Oh Mary
Wise Men Say - Flevans
Ishtar - Ca va craquer ( France 1982)
Members Of Mayday - Team X-Treme (Pierre Deutschmann Mix)
Eliott Litrowski - Positive Energy
440 Hz - Soul Mirror
Dynamix II - Don't Touch That Dial (DJ Momentum Bass Rockin' Remix)
Konerytmi - Konetekniikka
Blue Hawaii - I Felt Love
RL34 - A2
Pissing Against The Wind - Transparent Sound
Pathway - k_schreiber
Xiaolin - Dance Of The Jungle Moon (Hong Kong) 88 - Double Happiness Vol.5 _ FuFu Records -
Anthony Rother - Kalkulator (Short Edit)
Sterac - Pacifica
Seven Eight (2ATE9 Remix) - Burland
Rein - No Rules
Greta Levska - Radio Gretaaa
Antoni Maiovvi - In Pursuit of Pleasure
Sourc3 - Agustin Barbei
Janeret - Mind
WestBam And Afrika IslamDancing With The Rebels (Extended Mix)
The Undertaker 6 Million Ways
Splurgeboys - Grind Don't Stop
Anthony Rother - Helical (Short Edit)
DJ CHiEF - Uh Oh
Jerome Hill - Scez Princess
Younger Than Me - Protodance Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 4\V_A -
SAMPLE: Latin Machina - Lake Haze
Anthony Rother - Stellarator
DJ CHiEF - Jaffa
Jeff The Fool & Wilt - Jericho
Konerytmi - Modeemi
Special Request - Memory Lake [Houndstooth]
Collo - Pocari Sweat Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 2
integyd.1.3 - Fu Kaisha
ProOne79 - Jackbox
Vestron Vulture - California Star
DJ Bles One - What You Want What You Say
Domingo & Money - Dark Moonlight (D-Lerium Nu-Breaks Mix)
DJ Godfather - TH3YV3 ARR1V3D (Databass)
Manao x Stuster - Take Me Back [Bogoture Records]
Qant - Cosmodrome
Electrosequence 6 - Mosfet Tapes
Planets In Peril - CYRK
The Electrofen is kicking in - G303
Turn This Party Out (Funky Boogie Brothers Remix) - DJ 33 feat. BBK
Polyhedra - DTACK
Aiden Francis - Babylon
Biting Eye - Turbo Power Cutting Out
DJ CHiEF - Pretzel Time!
Marc Brauner - Dirty
Posthuman - Airstrip One (DJ Karawai Remix)
OilKanLeck - SigEnt
Greta Levska - Green Smoke
Never Gonna Stop - DJ Crisps
Judgement Version - JIDEH HIGH ELEMENTS
Kassian - The Machine
SAMPLE: DTACK_ Polyhedra
Secret Flash - Skylined
Ganco - Powerful Blow
Pangaea - The Slip.
SAMPLE: Yosh - Take Down.
Nullptr - Resilience
PROZAK - Give It To You
Cutz Kids - Dawn Razor
Mark Franklin - DNA
Hey`Na dub mix - Schwarzmart
Dicktator - Weekend (Electro Mix)
Ben Pest - Mouth Lawson
Motion Unit - My Mind (Club Mix)
Module One & Soela - If I Only Knew
Sirius B Ft. Hardy Hard & Afrika Bambaataa - If You TechnoLectro
4 Tha Freaks - Sentient State
Giving Up (feat. MAFRO) - TSHA
Will Silver - Playskool Rave
Ways of Fire - Casey Macem
Baby D - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Trick Or Treat Remix)
Trick Or Treat - Harmonize


1 xxxx by SAMPLE: Man Predicting The Future in 1945 100_ True
2 Desconozcamos el origen by SAMPLE: Alnocys
3 Chilibanana Live from Sunnanhed by Stuzzi
4 Electrosequence 1 2024 by Mosfet Tapes
5 Le Greck by Si Voce Pensa
6 The Allergies by Love's Supposed to Be
7 Shawn Lee & Pedigree Cuts by Break Fast
8 The Allergies by Push On
9 DIGITAL 8 Acid Reign by Thought Trails
10 (Klute soundtrack, 1971, Michael Small) by First Disco
11 Travelling through space and time (1979) by Bamboo
12 Ballooon! by DJ Chief
13 Hotz by DJ Roach
14 Conscious Realism by Artileqt
15 Pinkki Ruusu by Konerytmi
16 Darker Places (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother
17 Robotic Chitchat by Sound System Automatic
18 Lloyd Stellar by Destroy him, my robots
19 Big Thunder Break by Croxflava Gangz
20 Tilt by ProOne79
21 Oh Mary by Wynder K. Frog
22 Flevans by Wise Men Say
23 Ca va craquer ( France 1982) by Ishtar
24 Team XTreme (Pierre Deutschmann Mix) by Members Of Mayday
25 Positive Energy by Eliott Litrowski
26 Soul Mirror by Hz
27 Don't Touch That Dial (DJ Momentum Bass Rockin' Remix) by Dynamix II
28 Konetekniikka by Konerytmi
29 I Felt Love by Blue Hawaii
30 A2 by RL34
31 Transparent Sound by Pissing Against The Wind
32 k_schreiber by Pathway
33 Dance Of The Jungle Moon (Hong Kong) 88 Double Happiness Vol.5 _ FuFu Records by Xiaolin
34 Kalkulator (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother
35 Pacifica by Sterac
36 Burland by Seven Eight (2ATE9 Remix)
37 No Rules by Rein
38 Radio Gretaaa by Greta Levska
39 In Pursuit of Pleasure by Antoni Maiovvi
40 Agustin Barbei by Sourc3
41 Mind by Janeret
42 xxxxx by WestBam And Afrika IslamDancing With The Rebels (Extended Mix)
43 xxxxxxx by The Undertaker 6 Million Ways
44 Grind Don't Stop by Splurgeboys
45 Helical (Short Edit) by Anthony Rother
46 Uh Oh by DJ CHiEF
47 Scez Princess by Jerome Hill
48 Protodance Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 4\V_A by Younger Than Me
49 Lake Haze by SAMPLE: Latin Machina
50 Stellarator by Anthony Rother
51 Jaffa by DJ CHiEF
52 Jericho by Jeff The Fool & Wilt
53 Modeemi by Konerytmi
54 Memory Lake [Houndstooth] by Special Request
55 Pocari Sweat Radiant Records IWD Comp Vol 2 by Collo
56 Fu Kaisha by integyd.1.3
57 Jackbox by ProOne79
58 California Star by Vestron Vulture
59 What You Want What You Say by DJ Bles One
60 Dark Moonlight (DLerium NuBreaks Mix) by Domingo & Money
61 TH3YV3 ARR1V3D (Databass) by DJ Godfather
62 Take Me Back [Bogoture Records] by Manao x Stuster
63 Cosmodrome by Qant
64 Mosfet Tapes by Electrosequence 6
65 Rein by RELEASE ME
66 CYRK by Planets In Peril
67 G303 by The Electrofen is kicking in
68 DJ 33 feat. BBK by Turn This Party Out (Funky Boogie Brothers Remix)
69 DTACK by Polyhedra
70 Babylon by Aiden Francis
71 Turbo Power Cutting Out by Biting Eye
72 Pretzel Time! by DJ CHiEF
73 Polyhedra by SAMPLE: DTACK
74 Dirty by Marc Brauner
75 Airstrip One (DJ Karawai Remix) by Posthuman
76 SigEnt by OilKanLeck
77 Green Smoke by Greta Levska
78 DJ Crisps by Never Gonna Stop
79 JIDEH HIGH ELEMENTS by Judgement Version
80 The Machine by Kassian
81 xxxxxx by SAMPLE: DTACK_ Polyhedra
82 Skylined by Secret Flash
83 Powerful Blow by Ganco
84 The Slip. by Pangaea
85 Take Down. by SAMPLE: Yosh
86 Resilience by Nullptr
87 Give It To You by PROZAK
88 Dawn Razor by Cutz Kids
89 DNA by Mark Franklin
90 Schwarzmart by Hey`Na dub mix
91 Weekend (Electro Mix) by Dicktator
92 Mouth Lawson by Ben Pest
93 My Mind (Club Mix) by Motion Unit
94 If I Only Knew by Module One & Soela
95 If You TechnoLectro by Sirius B Ft. Hardy Hard & Afrika Bambaataa
96 Sentient State by Tha Freaks
97 TSHA by Giving Up (feat. MAFRO)
98 Playskool Rave by Will Silver
99 Casey Macem by Ways of Fire
100 Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Trick Or Treat Remix) by Baby D
101 Harmonize by Trick Or Treat


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