343 one month ago
Welcome to the latest edition of Alternative Chillout on Friday nights. I hope you find something to enjoy here.


Piero Umiliani - Interludio giallo - 3 - 5 Bambole Per La Luna D'Agosto (1969)|
Berto Pisano, Jacques Chaumont, and Junior Pisano - Nella Moschea (Soundtrack) (1972)|
Jiri Bezant & Jiri Malasek - Erotica 2|
Dick Walter - The Quiet Hours|
Alan Howarth - Walking Out|
ATA Records - Siren's Sea|
Maria Dimitriadi - Annabel (Ena Proino)|
Glohaven - Slums|
Enrico Simonetti - Variazione Del Tema [Italy] (1973)|
Vincent Geminiani - Ophis Le Serpentaire, 1972 |
Leong Lau - Ghost Drums [Australia] 1976)|
Lallo Gori - La Morte Scende Leggera XVII [Italy] (1972)|
Piero Umiliani - Petra (Sottofondo generico in re minore)|
Le Matos - Mom, I'm 15|
François de Roubaix - Valérie, Ilona Et Stefaan|
Mario Molino - Skylab|
Romolo Grano, Gianni Oddi - Kilimangiaro (spoken alt. take) (1975)|
Mickie Yoshino & Takami Asano - We're The Years Of The Earth|
Rubba & De Wolfe Music - Scapement|
Eric Vann - Quiet Water [Belgium_Germany] (1987)|
Douglas Wood - Boy On Space|
Gary Pacific Orchestra - Soft Wind|
Mario Molino - Cattura satellite|
Yukio Eto - Cry Me A River [Japan]
Danielle Licari - Melodie Pour Un Automne [Canada] (1969)|
Riz Ortolani - Main Theme [Cannibal Holocaust - Original Soundtrack]|
Zerosen - Son of pinhead|
Mike Moran - After Hours|
Carlo Savina - Suggestionata (Finale _ Seq.11) [Italy] (1978)|
Ian Carr & Nucleus - Images|
nc. clml. - Semilir [Indonesia] (1980)|
Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya - - Ume No Uta-Genka|
Chumei Watanabe - 2 [Japan] (1980)|
Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya - - Tosa No Sunayama|
Detto Mariano - Delitto al ristorante cinese (Seq.2)|
Girolamo Ugolini - Accordato Ricordo [Italy] (1975)|
Brian Bennett - Image|
Romolo Grano - Theme for Kamala (feat. I Marc 4 & Nora Orlandi)|
Ennio Morricone - Doricamente|
The Last Days - Only His Few [US] (1972)|
Stelvio Cipriani - La Quiete Familiare|
Armando Trovajoli - Goddes Woman (Remastered 2022)|
Piero Piccioni - It's Possible (feat. Catherine Howe)|
Bruno Canfora - Alligator [Italy]
Piero Umiliani - Cantata per Maryam (Alternate Take)|
Simon Fisher Turner - Sloane Square [UK] (1985)|
Les Hurdle & Frank Ricotti - Dissolves|
Albatros - L'albatros|
Kifu Mitsuhashi & Kiyoshi Yamaya - - Tabaruzaka|
Kifu Mitsuhashi & Kiyoshi Yamaya - - Kuroda-Bushi|
Aminadav Aloni - Underwater Ballet [US] (1974)|
Franco Micalizzi - Jessica's Theme|
Hingross - Wolfe [Italy] (1981)|
Massimo Catalano & Remigio Ducros - Ripensandoci|
Phil Moore - Return To Paradise (1959)|
Frank Ricotti - Lurker|
Alessandro Alessandroni - Strip Elettrico (From Lulù la sposa erotica)|
René Costy - Barbaras Dream|
Rubba & De Wolfe Music - Way Star|
Night Moves|
FRANCO MICALIZZI - Robert's theme|
Mario Migliardi - Long Shadows [Italy] (1970)|
Massimo Catalano & Remigio Ducros - Terapia Della Fatica|
James Clarke - Empty Streets|
Virna Lindt - The Dossier On Virna Lindt|
Peter Thomas Sound Orchester - Girl Loves Cheng Li|
Stelvio Cipriani - Avvoltoi sulla città (Testimonianza)|
Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya - - Itsuki No Komori-Uta|
SANDRO BRUGNOLINI - La notte muore (Orchestra 2ª Versione)|
Sandro Brugnolini - Stenella dubia|
The Studio Ensemble - Jasmin One [UK] (1981)|
Orchestra Ferenc Aszodi - You Caught Me Crying
Trevor Bastow - Shades|
Sir Charles Hughes - When Did Love Begin [US] (1976)|
William S. Fischer - Ene izar maitea|
Alan Howarth - Precinct 9, Division 13|
Independent Orchestra - Farewell Music|
Henryk Debich - Amfora [Poland] (1978)|
Desert - Leaving|
Carlo Maria Cordio _ Franco Vinciguerra - The Wind Is Rising|
Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale|
Katsuya Yokoyama & Columbia Million Pop Orchestra - - Tabaruzaka|
Azymuth - Vôo sobre o horizonte|
F. Micalizzi - Night Breeze|
Isle Of Tunes - Farewell [Germany] (1987)|
Johnny Pearson - Floresque|
Giuliano Sorgini - Roma-Londra-Parigi|
ATA Records - Planet Nine|
Dimitrie Inglessis - Balkan Romance|
Cortex - Poxa|
Misha Panfilov - Days As Echoes|


1 Interludio giallo 3 5 Bambole Per La Luna D'Agosto (1969)| by Piero Umiliani
2 Nella Moschea (Soundtrack) (1972)| by Berto Pisano, Jacques Chaumont, and Junior Pisano
3 Erotica 2| by Jiri Bezant & Jiri Malasek
4 The Quiet Hours| by Dick Walter
5 Walking Out| by Alan Howarth
6 Siren's Sea| by ATA Records
7 Annabel (Ena Proino)| by Maria Dimitriadi
8 Slums| by Glohaven
9 Variazione Del Tema [Italy] (1973)| by Enrico Simonetti
10 Ophis Le Serpentaire, 1972 | by Vincent Geminiani
11 Ghost Drums [Australia] 1976)| by Leong Lau
12 La Morte Scende Leggera XVII [Italy] (1972)| by Lallo Gori
13 Petra (Sottofondo generico in re minore)| by Piero Umiliani
14 Mom, I'm 15| by Le Matos
15 Valérie, Ilona Et Stefaan| by François de Roubaix
16 Skylab| by Mario Molino
17 Kilimangiaro (spoken alt. take) (1975)| by Romolo Grano, Gianni Oddi
18 We're The Years Of The Earth| by Mickie Yoshino & Takami Asano
19 Scapement| by Rubba & De Wolfe Music
20 Quiet Water [Belgium_Germany] (1987)| by Eric Vann
21 Boy On Space| by Douglas Wood
22 Soft Wind| by Gary Pacific Orchestra
23 Cattura satellite| by Mario Molino
24 Cry Me A River [Japan] by Yukio Eto
25 Melodie Pour Un Automne [Canada] (1969)| by Danielle Licari
26 Main Theme [Cannibal Holocaust Original Soundtrack]| by Riz Ortolani
27 Son of pinhead| by Zerosen
28 After Hours| by Mike Moran
29 Suggestionata (Finale _ Seq.11) [Italy] (1978)| by Carlo Savina
30 Images| by Ian Carr & Nucleus
31 Semilir [Indonesia] (1980)| by nc. clml.
32 Ume No UtaGenka| by Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya
33 2 [Japan] (1980)| by Chumei Watanabe
34 Tosa No Sunayama| by Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya
35 Delitto al ristorante cinese (Seq.2)| by Detto Mariano
36 Accordato Ricordo [Italy] (1975)| by Girolamo Ugolini
37 Image| by Brian Bennett
38 Theme for Kamala (feat. I Marc 4 & Nora Orlandi)| by Romolo Grano
39 Doricamente| by Ennio Morricone
40 Only His Few [US] (1972)| by The Last Days
41 La Quiete Familiare| by Stelvio Cipriani
42 Goddes Woman (Remastered 2022)| by Armando Trovajoli
43 It's Possible (feat. Catherine Howe)| by Piero Piccioni
44 Alligator [Italy] by Bruno Canfora
45 Cantata per Maryam (Alternate Take)| by Piero Umiliani
46 Sloane Square [UK] (1985)| by Simon Fisher Turner
47 Dissolves| by Les Hurdle & Frank Ricotti
48 L'albatros| by Albatros
49 xxxxxxxxxx by Moonbird|
50 Tabaruzaka| by Kifu Mitsuhashi & Kiyoshi Yamaya
51 KurodaBushi| by Kifu Mitsuhashi & Kiyoshi Yamaya
52 Underwater Ballet [US] (1974)| by Aminadav Aloni
53 Jessica's Theme| by Franco Micalizzi
54 Wolfe [Italy] (1981)| by Hingross
55 Ripensandoci| by Massimo Catalano & Remigio Ducros
56 Return To Paradise (1959)| by Phil Moore
57 Lurker| by Frank Ricotti
58 Strip Elettrico (From Lulù la sposa erotica)| by Alessandro Alessandroni
59 Barbaras Dream| by René Costy
60 Way Star| by Rubba & De Wolfe Music
61 xxxxxxxxxxxxx by Night Moves|
62 Robert's theme| by FRANCO MICALIZZI
63 Long Shadows [Italy] (1970)| by Mario Migliardi
64 Terapia Della Fatica| by Massimo Catalano & Remigio Ducros
65 Empty Streets| by James Clarke
66 The Dossier On Virna Lindt| by Virna Lindt
67 Girl Loves Cheng Li| by Peter Thomas Sound Orchester
68 Avvoltoi sulla città (Testimonianza)| by Stelvio Cipriani
69 Itsuki No KomoriUta| by Toshiko Yonekawa & Kiyoshi Yamaya
70 La notte muore (Orchestra 2ª Versione)| by SANDRO BRUGNOLINI
71 Stenella dubia| by Sandro Brugnolini
72 Jasmin One [UK] (1981)| by The Studio Ensemble
73 You Caught Me Crying by Orchestra Ferenc Aszodi
74 Shades| by Trevor Bastow
75 When Did Love Begin [US] (1976)| by Sir Charles Hughes
76 Ene izar maitea| by William S. Fischer
77 Precinct 9, Division 13| by Alan Howarth
78 Farewell Music| by Independent Orchestra
79 Amfora [Poland] (1978)| by Henryk Debich
80 Leaving| by Desert
81 The Wind Is Rising| by Carlo Maria Cordio _ Franco Vinciguerra
82 Lavoro cerebrale| by Giuliano Sorgini
83 Tabaruzaka| by Katsuya Yokoyama & Columbia Million Pop Orchestra
84 Vôo sobre o horizonte| by Azymuth
85 Night Breeze| by F. Micalizzi
86 Farewell [Germany] (1987)| by Isle Of Tunes
87 Floresque| by Johnny Pearson
88 RomaLondraParigi| by Giuliano Sorgini
89 Planet Nine| by ATA Records
90 Balkan Romance| by Dimitrie Inglessis
91 Poxa| by Cortex
92 Days As Echoes| by Misha Panfilov


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