2 hrs of freshness just out in time for your Saturday afternoons and to remind you that TONIGHT FROM 7PM we have GARY RAFTERY & ICON OUT Bringing you their perfect A & B sides of a C90 cassette in #WEDIGDEEPER s04 ep18 via www.mixlr.com/strange-cargo-presents for 3 hrs and a rare delve into the back of the boxes of some wonderful collectors of music > Do hope you can join us ACE music is assured & imminent :-)
SAMPLE; The Phantom Planet (1961) | SCI-FI B Movie
23 High Tide On The Sea Of Flesh | Amorphous Androgynous Vol 2 Pagan Love
02 Celestica | Crystal Castles
07 Crawled Out Of The Sea (Interlude) | Laura Marling Alas I cannot swim
03 Dirty Epic (Album Version) | Underworld
Loft tapes - Misty 17 | - 04 g r a v e s
01 Ease Your Mind | (Baker's Edit) | Galliano
04 Ease Your Mind | Galliano
Loft tapes - Red - | 02 l a y
Sahalé - | Esfahran
05 Be Careful It's My Heart | Paul Motian
Loft tapes - Helen - | 03 o p e r a t e
04 Failure | Laura Marling
08 Hey Son | Nancy Elizabeth Battle & Victory
Sahalé - | Saana
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 26 Bonus - Yeahhh!!
08 Violent Dreams | Crystal Castles
Loft tapes - Tronic - | 02 p o i n t e d
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 23 Bonus - Bang Bang
03 Se Telefonando | Ennio Morricone
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 01 Bonus - The Trader
Sahalé - | Avapaje
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 05 Bonus - Matheus
04 Subways | The Avalanches Wildflower
14 Nothing But A Heartache | Optimo How to kill the DJ pt 2
04 Doudou | Ali Farka Toure
18 Light Up | The Avalanches Wildflower
Loft tapes - | Reflections 89 - 01 g o
04 Bacon Fat | Optimo How to kill the DJ Pt2
14 I Am Made Of Chalk | Crystal Castles
01 Meant For You | Brian Wilson
Paul White - | Mushroom Forest
Printempo - Fluctuation - | 02 PT02
Loft tapes - Reigner - | 03 m o o n
Loft tapes - VHSGrain - | 02 Angels On Buildings
Loft tapes - VHSGrain - | 03 Colourless
Sahalé - | Djinn
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 29 Bonus - Re-release The Beast
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 54 PM001 B1. Everywhere
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 52 DH001 B1. Beauty And The Bass
Psychemagik - Psychemagik Archive 2009-2017 - | 53 PM001 A1. This Must Be The Place
1 | FI B Movie by SAMPLE; The Phantom Planet (1961) | SCI |
2 | Amorphous Androgynous Vol 2 Pagan Love by High Tide On The Sea Of Flesh | |
3 | | Crystal Castles by Celestica |
4 | | Laura Marling Alas I cannot swim by Crawled Out Of The Sea (Interlude) |
5 | | Underworld by Dirty Epic (Album Version) |
6 | Misty 17 | 04 g r a v e s by Loft tapes |
7 | | Galliano by Ease Your Mind | (Baker's Edit) |
8 | ... by Ease Your Mind | Galliano |
9 | Red | 02 l a y by Loft tapes |
10 | | Esfahran by Sahalé |
11 | | Paul Motian by Be Careful It's My Heart |
12 | Helen | 03 o p e r a t e by Loft tapes |
13 | | Laura Marling by Failure |
14 | | Nancy Elizabeth Battle & Victory by Hey Son |
15 | | Saana by Sahalé |
16 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 26 Bonus Yeahhh!! by Psychemagik |
17 | | Crystal Castles by Violent Dreams |
18 | Tronic | 02 p o i n t e d by Loft tapes |
19 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 23 Bonus Bang Bang by Psychemagik |
20 | | Ennio Morricone by Se Telefonando |
21 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 01 Bonus The Trader by Psychemagik |
22 | | Avapaje by Sahalé |
23 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 05 Bonus Matheus by Psychemagik |
24 | | The Avalanches Wildflower by Subways |
25 | | Optimo How to kill the DJ pt 2 by Nothing But A Heartache |
26 | | Ali Farka Toure by Doudou |
27 | | The Avalanches Wildflower by Light Up |
28 | | Reflections 89 01 g o by Loft tapes |
29 | | Optimo How to kill the DJ Pt2 by Bacon Fat |
30 | | Crystal Castles by I Am Made Of Chalk |
31 | | Brian Wilson by Meant For You |
32 | | Mushroom Forest by Paul White |
33 | Fluctuation | 02 PT02 by Printempo |
34 | Reigner | 03 m o o n by Loft tapes |
35 | VHSGrain | 02 Angels On Buildings by Loft tapes |
36 | VHSGrain | 03 Colourless by Loft tapes |
37 | | Djinn by Sahalé |
38 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 29 Bonus Rerelease The Beast by Psychemagik |
39 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 54 PM001 B1. Everywhere by Psychemagik |
40 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 52 DH001 B1. Beauty And The Bass by Psychemagik |
41 | Psychemagik Archive 20092017 | 53 PM001 A1. This Must Be The Place by Psychemagik |