932 10 years ago

~ psychedelic, meat funkybeat, in the old style, for power breaking - pump it!


1 Jack The WingReat by 1. Kong
2 Vitamin C by 2. MFS Brother
3 Space journey by 3. Cold cut
4 My cut by 4. Greenway
5 Knuckle Ham by 5. Hightower Set
6 Boiling Breaks by 6. Dj Shanti
7 Hardway by 7. Smuff tha Quiz
8 Psycedelic Fox by 8. Los Chicharrons
9 My cut7 by 9. GreenwayD
10 Pepper Snake by 10. The Cactus Channel
11 Funk 'n Paris (Revolution Mix) by 11. Mephisto Odyssey
12 Killah featuring Jamalski by 12. Mephisto Odyssey
13 Crystal Jelly by 13. Hard Hop Heathen
14 Hot Wheels (The Chase) by 14. Funkshone
15 Track 06 by 15. DJ Help
16 Edition (N.Mafia) by 16. Greenway
17 It was a very good year (Breaking My Mix) by 17. Marc Hype & Jim Dunloop
18 Stylissimo by 18. Dj Illegal
19 Tasty Big Ed (Bowser Mix) by 19. Fuzz Townshend
20 Straight Out The Beats by 20. Bubbatunes
21 Pulse by 21. Reel DJ's
22 DJ Friendly by 22. Wayward Soul
23 Cant Get You Out My Head (Bboy Instrumental Version) by 23. Smoove
24 Tarantino`s Drive by 24. Funky Boogie Brothers


Da Freshmaka
Da Freshmaka

just the way i like it...funky chunky eclectic breaks. some real sick ass BEATS in here. this is breakbeat!


thanks, bro! break ~ power.


hot skizz as always!
