294 11 years ago
Hiya and a huge welcome to to this plane of existence, all of you Psychedelic wonder-bugs 
I have once again uploaded another pure, unadulterated mix of organic psychedelic material, for you to indulge in. This mix has an almost murky, tribal vibe throughout and also feels like an experimental adventure through the cosmos. Some of the tracks used in this mix are made up of complex, organic programming and did present me with a different experience, while I was putting this set together. Well on a final note, this mix offers a unique listening experience and fills the mind with visions of cavernous, murky caves on yet undiscovered planets. 
Universal love one and all


1 Glimpse by Elegy
2 Guitar Session by Etnoscope
3 Silent Agreement by Etnoscope
4 Blow Out by Sunspot
5 Before The 3 Suns by Smoke Sign
6 Unalysis by Reactant
7 The Dreaming (Random Remix) by Smoke Sign
8 Imagination At Work by Mindwave & Synthetic Pulse
9 Deep Space by Suduaya
10 Erykah Over The Deep End by Smoke Sign & Aaron Jackson
11 Experienced Palmist by Wrong Mantra



good vibes!


nice one JT!!! awesomme set
