1056 9 years ago

Hi Friends!!!

Here is my classic mix. Hope You'll enjoy!



1.Blank & Jones - Where You Belong [MasterCJ Re-Edit]

2.ATB - 9 Pm Reloaded [Club Version]

3.Fischerspooner - Supply & Demand [Original Mix]

4.Sander van Doorn - TheBass [Wardt Remix]

5.Veracocha - Carte Blanche [Manuel de la Mare My Jupiter Mix]

6.tyDi - Good Dream [Barnes & Heatcliff Remix]

7.Moff - Human Traffic [Original Mix]

8.Andy Duguid - Signals [Original Mix]

9.Marc Marberg vs. Kyau & Albert - Grrreat [Original Radio Edit]

10.Tiesto & Sneaky Sound System - I Will Be Here [Wolfgang Gartner Remix]

11.Reflekt and Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved [Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix]

12.Signalrunnes ft. Julie Thomspon - These Shoulders [Remix]

13.DJ Tatana - Autumn Sun [Dub Mix]

14.Nadia Ali - Fine Print [Alex Sayz Remix]

15.Paul van Dyk - For an Angel [Spencer & Hill Remix]

16.Daft Punk - Harder Faster Stronger [Deadmau5 & Glenn Morrison Bootleg]

17.Medina - You & I [Spencer & Hill Remix]

18.Mike Shiver - On The Surface [Sami Saari Remix]

19.Lentos - Forget About Us [Barnes & Heatcliff Remix]

20.Gabry Ponte & Paki - Ocean Whispers 2 Mila 9 [Jaro The 1st Mix]

21.Memento & Anita Kelsey - Can't Sleep [Original Mix]

22.Feeltz & Leo ft. Aneym - Mistaken [White Stars Remix]

23.Arnej - Tomorrow Never Comes [Original Mix]

24.Galen Behr vs. Hydroid - Carabella [Original Mix]

25.Moonbeam ft. Avis Vox - About You [Terry Ferminal Remix]

26.Sebastian Sand - Creeps [Ronski Speed Remix]

27.Shogun ft. Hannah Ray - Nadia [Extended Mix]

28.Jpl - Waking Up With You [Original Mix]

29.Arty - Gentle Touch [Original Mix]

30.ATB pres. Flanders - Behind [MasterCJ Sunrise Remix]

31.Signalrunners - Meet Me In Montauk [Original Mix]

32.Moonbeam ft. Blackfeel Wite - First Night [Elevation Remix]

33.Kyau & Albert - Once In a Life [Club Mix]

34.Cosmic Gate ft. Aruna - Under Your Spell [Duderstadt Remix]

35.DJ Preach - Elektra [Original Mix]

36.Push - NY To Miami [Original Mix]

37.Stoneface & Terminal - Don't Give A Fuck [Vocal Mix]

38.Breakfast - Dancing In The Moonlight [Original Mix]

39.Markus Schulz - The New World [Markus Schulz Return To Coldharbour Remix]

40.ATB - My Saving Grace [Original Mix]

41.Martin Roth pres. T.B.C. - The Berlin Connection [Original Mix]

42.Mr. Sam ft. Claud9 - Cygnes [Alex Kunnari Remix]

43.Menno de Jong ft. Re:locate - Solid State [Gareth Emery Remix]

44.Push - Trance Indicator [Plastic Boy Remix]

45.Ummet Ozcan - Next Phase [Phase 1 Mix]

46.Super8 & DJ Tab ft. Alyna - Delusion [Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade Remix]

47.Miller and Divini - Many Years [Original Mix]

48.Super8 & DJ Tab vs. Nadia Ali - Elektra Crash [Eteson Bootleg]

49.Tiesto - Driving To Heaven [Mat Zo Remix]

50.ATB - L.A. Nights [ATB`s 2010 Energy Club Mix]

51.Druid ft. Vesna - What Do You Miss [Sun Vocal Mix]

52.Filo & Peri ft. Aruna - Ashley [Album Mix]

53.Jpl - Summer Skin [Original Mix]

54.Markus Schulz - Do You Dream [Uplifting Mix]

55.Markus Schulz ft. Dauby - Perfect [Agnelli & Nelson Remix]

56.Leon Bolier - Shimamoto [Original Mix]

57.Matt Everson - Tokyo Nights [Original Mix]

58.Tritonal - Essence of Kea [Original Mix]

59.Adam Nickey - Callista [Original Mix]

60.Mind One - Hurt of Intention [Ferry Fix]

61.Filo & Peri - Ampd Up [Album Mix]

62.Breakfast - The Horizon [Original Mix]

63.Giuseppe Ottaviani ft. Faith - Angel [Vandit Night Mix]

64.Hydroid - The Eternal [Activa Remix]

65.W&W - D.N.A. [Sean Tyas Remix]

66.Airborne Angel - Origio [Original Rework]

67.Thomas Bronzwaer - Look Ahead [Original Mix]



1 Where You Belong [MasterCJ Re-Edit] by Blank & Jones
2 9 Pm Reloaded [Club Version] by ATB
3 Supply & Demand [Original Mix] by Fischerspooner
4 TheBass [Wardt Remix] by Sander van Doorn
5 Carte Blanche [Manuel de la Mare My Jupiter Mix] by Veracocha
6 Good Dream [Barnes & Heatcliff Remix] by tyDi
7 Human Traffic [Original Mix] by Moff
8 Signals [Original Mix] by Andy Duguid
9 Grrreat [Original Radio Edit] by Marc Marberg vs. Kyau & Albert
10 I Will Be Here [Wolfgang Gartner Remix] by Tiesto & Sneaky Sound System
11 Need To Feel Loved [Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix] by Reflekt and Delline Bass
12 These Shoulders [Remix] by Signalrunnes ft. Julie Thomspon
13 Autumn Sun [Dub Mix] by DJ Tatana
14 Fine Print [Alex Sayz Remix] by Nadia Ali
15 For an Angel [Spencer & Hill Remix] by Paul van Dyk
16 Harder Faster Stronger [Deadmau5 & Glenn Morrison Bootleg] by Daft Punk
17 You & I [Spencer & Hill Remix] by Medina
18 On The Surface [Sami Saari Remix] by Mike Shiver
19 Forget About Us [Barnes & Heatcliff Remix] by Lentos
20 Ocean Whispers 2 Mila 9 [Jaro The 1st Mix] by Gabry Ponte & Paki
21 Can't Sleep [Original Mix] by Memento & Anita Kelsey
22 Mistaken [White Stars Remix] by Feeltz & Leo ft. Aneym
23 Tomorrow Never Comes [Original Mix] by Arnej
24 Carabella [Original Mix] by Galen Behr vs. Hydroid
25 About You [Terry Ferminal Remix] by Moonbeam ft. Avis Vox
26 Creeps [Ronski Speed Remix] by Sebastian Sand
27 Nadia [Extended Mix] by Shogun ft. Hannah Ray
28 Waking Up With You [Original Mix] by Jpl
29 Gentle Touch [Original Mix] by Arty
30 Behind [MasterCJ Sunrise Remix] by ATB pres. Flanders
31 Meet Me In Montauk [Original Mix] by Signalrunners
32 First Night [Elevation Remix] by Moonbeam ft. Blackfeel Wite
33 Once In a Life [Club Mix] by Kyau & Albert
34 Under Your Spell [Duderstadt Remix] by Cosmic Gate ft. Aruna
35 Elektra [Original Mix] by DJ Preach
36 NY To Miami [Original Mix] by Push
37 Don't Give A Fuck [Vocal Mix] by Stoneface & Terminal
38 Dancing In The Moonlight [Original Mix] by Breakfast
39 The New World [Markus Schulz Return To Coldharbour Remix] by Markus Schulz
40 My Saving Grace [Original Mix] by ATB
41 The Berlin Connection [Original Mix] by Martin Roth pres. T.B.C.
42 Cygnes [Alex Kunnari Remix] by Mr. Sam ft. Claud9
43 Solid State [Gareth Emery Remix] by Menno de Jong ft. Re:locate
44 Trance Indicator [Plastic Boy Remix] by Push
45 Next Phase [Phase 1 Mix] by Ummet Ozcan
46 Delusion [Ronski Speed pres. Sun Decade Remix] by Super8 & DJ Tab ft. Alyna
47 Many Years [Original Mix] by Miller and Divini
48 Elektra Crash [Eteson Bootleg] by Super8 & DJ Tab vs. Nadia Ali
49 Driving To Heaven [Mat Zo Remix] by Tiesto
50 L.A. Nights [ATB`s 2010 Energy Club Mix] by ATB
51 What Do You Miss [Sun Vocal Mix] by Druid ft. Vesna
52 Ashley [Album Mix] by Filo & Peri ft. Aruna
53 Summer Skin [Original Mix] by Jpl
54 Do You Dream [Uplifting Mix] by Markus Schulz
55 Perfect [Agnelli & Nelson Remix] by Markus Schulz ft. Dauby
56 Shimamoto [Original Mix] by Leon Bolier
57 Tokyo Nights [Original Mix] by Matt Everson
58 Essence of Kea [Original Mix] by Tritonal
59 Callista [Original Mix] by Adam Nickey
60 Hurt of Intention [Ferry Fix] by Mind One
61 Ampd Up [Album Mix] by Filo & Peri
62 The Horizon [Original Mix] by Breakfast
63 Angel [Vandit Night Mix] by Giuseppe Ottaviani ft. Faith
64 The Eternal [Activa Remix] by Hydroid
65 D.N.A. [Sean Tyas Remix] by W&W
66 Origio [Original Rework] by Airborne Angel
67 Look Ahead [Original Mix] by Thomas Bronzwaer



Really Beautiful trance mix, which was played in one night club "Pulse". When I listening to this mix i get so many nostalgia..
P.S. Sorry for my poor english.
Your's MasterCJ.


great mix !
