429 11 years ago

BOOM....  We have EXPLOSIVE>..  Turn up the bass


we are worlwide  turn it up blast it out


the man like me was so smashed when this set got recorded.. and it has been uploaded for your listning pleasure..  listen download share  but most of all pump up the Volume  ... for sure there are mistakes but its all for the love x


WE ARE CUBED  We ARE MUSIC  = Explosive !!!!!!


shout going out to the tape recording yorkie massive


shout going out to the Bolton massive..   kie and the rest..


shout goin out to the auzi krew


love peace and chip pan grease 




enjoy x


DJ NeV-T..............................................................2013 ........................................rocks ................................



Yo Yo Yo....... Mr-T.
@16.00 is that Stranger to Stability..? You little Monkey You...!!!!!!!! :)
Loving the Groove.
