1353 10 years ago
I know there is a reason you woke up to day. its because today you choose to have an overload of BASS to the FACE. well you have chosen correctly by selecting nobodys noize mixes. this is a compulation of al the sick perverted stuff i did this year. i took all the playlists i made this year and played them all together in one go. 220 MINUTES of filthy drops, trap, dub, dubstep, dub and base, drum and bass, tech step, dubstyle, glitch hop, rap, pinkfloyd, its all there. in a sick combination. al you have to do is press play and put the speakers 2 the max and blow your ears out. offcourse this was a live performance in one go and so there are some crittical misses and bad choices. but overall it should provide you with the lethal overdose you desire. so far i had 3 noize complaints in witch i replied: " its nobodys noize " " i turn this one of if you turn that kid of yours of " " if you cant step to it than why even bother ". im always very pleased with comments and feedback also i need a dayly dose of love and criticism so please provide me with your opinions. tell me what you think. love/hate i dont care. i do this out of love for the music and my loyal listeners. but if nobody cares why should i even bring the music for free. its hard work you know!!! i wish you all the best for 2014 and hope to hear from you all. stay healthy. i hope you guys keep listening. to my lady listeners you rock!!!!! again very special thanks to "alisa" for the sexy vocals provided in this mix.



Hahahaha I can't believe Ya haven't gotten feed back on this. The intro was funny. Porn fest. Hahahah it well the mix goes in so many different directions it's like being on a ride at a carnival. Hahaha I like the creativity. It's hard to describe cause ya neva know...I'm a little lost with words but the humor in this mix is great. Good job NN and also for delivering what we have over here along the lines of Big Macs, Whoppers and Carl Jr. Burgers and I'd have to say you dropped a massive burger mix. Cheers and Happy New Years Eve. 2014 is coming what an odd futuristic number lol :D


will definitely be playing tonight for the new year thanks man




hahaa that is awesome.. thank you and happy new year


I guess you are just to blown away to comment


Grade A shit
