418 12 years ago
Liveset recorded on the first of January, 2012, somewhere between 01.00 and 09.00 ( AM ).

My friends and I celebrated new years eve at Ricoot his place. I brought my Technics, Behringer DDM4000 and my records but did not dj much, due to me having a GREAT time, but I could not "focus" enough on dj-ing (hahahaha) but ANONYMOUS did have his producing tools with him ( IMac with Ableton, the Virus from Acces, Akai launchpad for Ableton and the little Korg and his Traktor + Tr. vinyls ) and Ricoot also produces ( no idea exactly what his tools are.. maybe I will add these later sometime ) so that was no problem!!
This is part 1 (of 3) of some of the sounds they produced for us.

Please remember that they just hooked up their equipment and started a jammsession-style liveset. So nothing was pre-produced and/or planned. Everything was created at that time.
This was NOT a booked performance, just some audiphyle friends coming together to do (electronic) music!
I urged them to get this recorded, and eventually Ricoot clicked the Record button.

UNEDITED and UNMASTERED (rough) masterrecordings!!!!
NOT for commercial use!!


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