Here's the house mix taken from my show on Monday 15/07/13.
Remember you can catch me live on air polluting the airwaves every other Monday 7-9 pm GMT on Renegade Radio 107.2 FM.
Maximum love and respect!
Remember you can catch me live on air polluting the airwaves every other Monday 7-9 pm GMT on Renegade Radio 107.2 FM.
Maximum love and respect!
1 | Wake Me Up (Extended Mix) by Avicii Feat. Aloe Blacc |
2 | Adagio for Strings (Blasterjaxx Remix) by Tiesto |
3 | No Good (Extended Mix) by Fedde Le Grand, Sultan & Ned Shepard |
4 | Peralux by Acti |
5 | Shocker (Original Mix) by Tiesto & DJ Punish |
6 | Cannonball (Original Mix) by Showtek & Justin Prime |
7 | The Only Way (Original Mix) by Shermanology |
8 | 1NC0M1NG by Audiofreq Feat. BRK3 |
9 | Clash (Original Mix) by Alesso |