1199 12 years ago
Totally off-the-cuff, here.

In fact, most of my mixes are done entirely on-the-fly now.

I dont take too much time trying to pre-map my track list and have pre-set cue-points configured anymore because I honestly feel it unnecessarily distracts me and ultimately detracts from the overall vibe and nature of the thing... connecting with the crowd and feeling out which direction to take them in, adjusting to THEIR movements as they make them.

I find now that stepping on stage with an empty mind and no plan of action actually ends up having a more dramatic effect than anything that could be pre-planned. It keeps shit BASIC... like BREAKfast lol... and also has the tendency to illustrate the exact extent of your true skill as a DJ, especially when youre not working off of a laptop with any DAW software like Ableton and so forth. (CDJ's all the way, baby!!! hah! ;P I do have some experience with Serato/Traktor too, but I rarely if ever use them).

So!!! Aside from the first 10mins or so, this mix is damn near flush with neck-breaking, head-banging, thrash-core DnB and Drumstep. And I sincerely hope you dig listening to it as much as I did playing it! :)

And on that note ... !!! injoi !!! =D



great fn set


Thanks nic..
