810 9 years ago

My rawstyle master mix, this kind of hardstyle and 'the absolute best in its evolution of sounds with many ups and downs. Turn up the volume to maximum and good listening.                                                                                                                                      


d-mon - turn it up

d-mon - c-c-c-come on

scary clowns - 3 o'clock (original mix)

solutio ft. mc jeff - bitchin (extended version)

The R3bels - Pattern 2

E-Force - Seven (Original Mix)

Gunz For Hire - Kings Of The Underground

Radical Redemption & Frequencerz - Insanity

Chris One - MF Punk (DJ Thera Remix)

Deetox - Here I Come

Kronos - Go To Hell (Original Mix)

Kronos - MF Crew

Moridin - Born in darkness 

adventum - era of man




Very very very nice tracklist!

Have you ever been to a Hardstyle party? Or did you ever lisntened to a live set of a hardstyle party?

It is so totally messed up!
Why Here I Come after Seven?? Or Insanity, Go to hell, MF crew or Era of man after Seven??
Even Born in Darkness is not good enough to compete with Seven.

What im trying to tell you is to think twice about your choice of tracks... Try to build up the energy.
It is fine to put a harder track in between some softer ones but dont push it!
Save the sickest track with the most drive and the hardest kick in it for last, so the crowd will lose their mind!

P.S. Sorry for my bad english....


Ravert true, though my gender and 'hardcore preferably, the set and' done on the fly, impromptu, trying to listen to my other set, with regard to your question "if I've been to some party Hardstyle? Check out my profile and see !!!! how old I am :) I've seen all sorts of things :), you have 26 years I am a long time more, 'I am not a professional DJ, you try to do a set without CUE on the fly .. .... and then we'll talk :) I will hear 'your Set. Thanks anyway for your comment, I accept them whether they are positive or negative by all. too, I do not know English, I'm Italian and I'm 'using a translator.


Sorry didnt mean to be so negative about your set. And no i didnt check your profile before i posted a comment. I performed at a couple of partys but i am also not a proffesional DJ, so i also like to hear positive or negative comments. Hope to hear a lot more of your sets in the future.


