399 9 years ago



Darius is a self proclaimed "House Addict". He fell in love with the house sound as a teenager living in Montreal back in the early '90s when he would stay up late on Friday nights and record a dance mix show on Montreal radio. He was hooked from then on. He then proceeded to start mixing with one tape deck and a cassette player and never looked back. When he moved to Vancouver in the late '90's, he started buying records almost daily and spent most of his free time at his favourite record stores at the time, Bassix and Mekanix records. Over the next few years, Darius held various residencies and ran 2 club nights in Vancouver, playing alongside such talent as Lawnchair Generals and Johnny Fiasco, as well as playing at numerous after hours and raves. Today, Darius is happily married with a young son, but his love for house music hasn't died. He is still busy putting out mixes and in 2015 is doing some exclusive guest mixes for International house collectives such as House Salad Music in Mexico, Little Routine in France, and Reason2Funk in England. His sets have been described as "organic" and his love for jazz is prevalent in all of his mixes.

Also in 2015, Darius will launch a monthly podcast entitled "Soul Room Sessions". This podcast will promote the jazzy/soulful side of house music and will feature exclusive guest mixes by some of the biggest DJ's in the world!

Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

For booking info, contact dariuskrmr@gmail.com



Nice Mix!!
