234 one year ago

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Kattivo Records In Session E01 S3 | Featured Guest DJs | Heat Alliance - Milan, Italy

Beatport Chart:
Kattivo Records In Session is a show whose mission is to bring high-quality underground music to the spotlight. Each episode explores a different shade of house and techno music, with a fine selection and mix of tracks from emerging and talented artists and labels worth to be supported. The show reflects the philosophy of our label, which is to support and give visibility to underground, independent music from all over the world.
Connect with Featured Guest Heat Alliance

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heat_alliance/

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatalliancemusic/
Connect with Kattivo Records Group:

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kattivo_records/

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kattivo-Records-377163422747529
Styles:  Deep House


Track List:

1. Scruscru – Forgotten banger (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/forgotten-banger/17017218
Record Label: Blur Records

2. Lotche – We gonna (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/we-gonna/13640623
Record Label: Ship City Grooves

3. Wearing Shoes – Just do it (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/just-do-it/14273460
Record Label: Ship Ship City Grooves

4. V77NNY – Power (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/power/17071652
Record Label: Kattivo Black Records

5. 324AM, AgentValjean – Letmebeyourlover (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/letmebeyourlover/17037991
Record Label: HouseSalad Music

6. Westcoast Goddess – The House Sound of Noir (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/the-house-sound-of-noir/16885723
Record Label: Aterral

7. Ari Bald – Daytrippin (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/daytrippin/12611872
Record Label: Västkransen Records

8. Martin-es – Panoramas (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/panoramas/16941088
Record Label: Colour In Music

9. Vasily Umanets – Check currents (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/check-currents/16559906
Record Label: Delve Deeper Recordings

10. Jason Hersco – She heard I love to dance (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/she-heard-i-love-to-dance/16878031
Record Label: Hustler Trax

11. Alfredo Avila – Just thinking of you (Original mix)
Buy Link: https://www.beatport.com/track/just-thinking-of-you/16984952
Record Label: Crazy Monk Records


1 Forgotten banger (Original mix) by Scruscru
2 We gonna (Original mix) by Lotche
3 Just do it (Original mix) by Wearing Shoes
4 Power (Original mix) by V77NNY
5 Letmebeyourlover (Original mix) by AM, AgentValjean
6 The House Sound of Noir (Original mix) by Westcoast Goddess
7 Daytrippin (Original mix) by Ari Bald
8 Panoramas (Original mix) by Martin-es
9 Check currents (Original mix) by Vasily Umanets
10 She heard I love to dance (Original mix) by Jason Hersco
11 Just thinking of you (Original mix) by Alfredo Avila


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