629 9 years ago

This is a re-upload of this mix because  it wasnt playable after the last site upgrade.

Whazup Whazup everybody, Well I am having to re-upload this mix again because it seems the link was broken.  It is the same 2 part mix from before  & it will definitely frighten you & help to terrify party-goers as you celebrate Halloween this year. This is a supremely dark-n-scary Drum & Bass set for when it was recorded Live @ Conspiracy Warehouse as it went down on Halloween night, some years ago. As I finished my set I remember taking a moment to survey the damage I'd just inflicted. Then as I was getting off the decks I had more than a few people who came over to thank me & to tell me that I had just scared the hell out of them with that set. 1 guy even said that the bass from the speakers was dripping with an evilness that was so overwhelming to him that he literally felt like he was trapped & could not move from where he was sitting for my entire set! Once again, I urge you to please use caution when/where you are gonna be blasting this mix as it can & will frighten small children, produce feelings of dread-n-panic in most people no matter their age(s), upset + unnerve otherwise normally tame house pets as well as other animals & it also has the potential to give your grandparents unspeakably horrible nightmares. Hope you check it out & as always - Enjo!

DJ Jon Wang / Dallas Tx.

because music is meant to be given to others & shared with your friends




sick mix man
