502 5 years ago
Welcome to the 2nd and concluding part of our spotlight special on the epic digging talents and finds of 1 Mr Victor Kiswell.  Includes an hours unaired BONUS content!
Be sure to check out his website and be aware he does trade vinyl directly to the public.

Also be sure to tune in tonight and every Sat from 7pm UK time for a brand new and FRESH edition of our homage series to the c90 mixtape culture that we all grew up on!

Tonight featuring findanothername from Greece PLUS Dave MC - 2 x 45 min sets a piece and their perfect A & B sides with the LIGHT AND DARK SESSIONS >>>
PACKED FULL OF EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED and the most seriously smoking place to grab your Saturday soundscape :-)

Do hope you can join us?


Deep Polish female soul - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Oh Why
Prophets - Prog funk proto hip hop - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Michel Magne
Once and Again - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Piero Piccioni & Shawn Robinson
Swing Down Sweet Chariot - Mothership Connection            |              Houston 1976 Parliament Funkadelic
Afro funk - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Psychedelic Woman
Massai - Deep afro jazz - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Mombasa
Çeçen Kz - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Nathan Davis in Turkey
Lebanese Groove - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Ya Ein Moulayiten
Ojinga's Own - Nigerian afro - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Yoruba Singers
Colombian funk - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Tita Duval
INTRO - SPICEE.COM - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             VINYL BAZAAR
Lebanon groove - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Walid Gholmieh
Discophrenia - Scandi electro disco - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Ralph Lundsten
Fake ad - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Pub erotissimo
Russian groove Cortex soundalike - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Raduga
70's French Groove - Victor Kiswell archives            |             Tatoo Strip Tease
Japanese koto funk - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Minoru Muraoka
The shaman's dance - Russian space funk -            |             Victor Kiswell Archives
Egyptian soul - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Take Me Back to Cairo
Afro latin from benin - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Toffo Houssou "Miguelito"
Victor Kiswell Records 2013            |             Unknown track and title
Omar Khorshid            |             Al Atefa wal Jasad 1972
Le streghe - 60's Italian jazz - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Piero Piccioni
Orizont - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Moldavian funk
South African Jazz Groove - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             The Drive
Caribbean smile - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Si i bon di i bon
Abstract jazz + vocal madness - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Sound of Feeling
Blues Ya De - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Poly Rythmo de Cotonou
Nefertiti - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Serge Gainsbourg & France
Psychedelic Sufi music - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             The Habibiyya
Victor Kiswell Records 2012            |             Unknown artist and tite
More - Afro funk from Ghana - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Rob
Marumo - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Soweto funk
West African funk rock - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Pivi et les Baladins
Just One More Time - Ghana funk - Victor Kiswell Archives Rob
Euro jazz funk breaks - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Sopranino
Boogie On - Ghana funk - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Rob
Crime funk 1979 - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Russian spy movie
Igor DISCO - Bim sala bim cover - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Russian funk
Creole Jazz Groove - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Roland Brival
Igor DISCO - Orkester - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Russian funk
Fever - Killer Indian version - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Usha Uthup
Hello Darling - Bollywood funk - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Rajesh Roshan
Sakura - Koto jazz samples - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             Odetta
Mukti - Bollywood jazz groove - Victor Kiswell Archives            |             R.D. Burman
Oriental psych jazz - Victor Kiswell Archives            |              The Orient Express


1 Victor Kiswell Archives | Oh Why by Deep Polish female soul
2 Prog funk proto hip hop Victor Kiswell Archives | Michel Magne by Prophets
3 Victor Kiswell Archives | Piero Piccioni & Shawn Robinson by Once and Again
4 | Houston 1976Parliament Funkadelic by Swing Down Sweet Chariot - Mothership Connection
5 Victor Kiswell Archives | Psychedelic Woman by Afro funk
6 Deep afro jazz Victor Kiswell Archives | Mombasa by Massai
7 Victor Kiswell Archives | Nathan Davis in Turkey by Çeçen Kz
8 Victor Kiswell Archives | Ya Ein Moulayiten by Lebanese Groove
9 Nigerian afro Victor Kiswell Archives | Yoruba Singers by Ojinga's Own
10 Victor Kiswell Archives | Tita Duval by Colombian funk
11 SPICEE.COM Victor Kiswell Archives | VINYL BAZAAR by INTRO
12 Victor Kiswell Archives | Walid Gholmieh by Lebanon groove
13 Scandi electro disco Victor Kiswell Archives | Ralph Lundsten by Discophrenia
14 Victor Kiswell Archives | Pub erotissimo by Fake ad
15 Victor Kiswell Archives | Raduga by Russian groove Cortex soundalike
16 Victor Kiswell archives | Tatoo Strip Tease by 's French Groove
17 Victor Kiswell Archives | Minoru Muraoka by Japanese koto funk
18 Russian space funk | Victor Kiswell Archives by The shaman's dance
19 Victor Kiswell Archives | Take Me Back to Cairo by Egyptian soul
20 Victor Kiswell Archives | Toffo Houssou "Miguelito" by Afro latin from benin
21 | Unknown track and title by Victor Kiswell Records 2013
22 | Al Atefa wal Jasad 1972 by Omar Khorshid
23 60's Italian jazz Victor Kiswell Archives | Piero Piccioni by Le streghe
24 Victor Kiswell Archives | Moldavian funk by Orizont
25 Victor Kiswell Archives | The Drive by South African Jazz Groove
26 Victor Kiswell Archives | Si i bon di i bon by Caribbean smile
27 Victor Kiswell Archives | Sound of Feeling by Abstract jazz + vocal madness
28 Victor Kiswell Archives | Poly Rythmo de Cotonou by Blues Ya De
29 Victor Kiswell Archives | Serge Gainsbourg & France by Nefertiti
30 Victor Kiswell Archives | The Habibiyya by Psychedelic Sufi music
31 | Unknown artist and tite by Victor Kiswell Records 2012
32 Afro funk from Ghana Victor Kiswell Archives | Rob by More
33 Victor Kiswell Archives | Soweto funk by Marumo
34 Victor Kiswell Archives | Pivi et les Baladins by West African funk rock
35 Ghana funk Victor Kiswell Archives Rob by Just One More Time
36 Victor Kiswell Archives | Sopranino by Euro jazz funk breaks
37 Ghana funk Victor Kiswell Archives | Rob by Boogie On
38 Victor Kiswell Archives | Russian spy movie by Crime funk 1979
39 Bim sala bim cover Victor Kiswell Archives | Russian funk by Igor DISCO
40 Victor Kiswell Archives | Roland Brival by Creole Jazz Groove
41 Orkester Victor Kiswell Archives | Russian funk by Igor DISCO
42 Killer Indian version Victor Kiswell Archives | Usha Uthup by Fever
43 Bollywood funk Victor Kiswell Archives | Rajesh Roshan by Hello Darling
44 Koto jazz samples Victor Kiswell Archives | Odetta by Sakura
45 Bollywood jazz groove Victor Kiswell Archives | R.D. Burman by Mukti
46 Victor Kiswell Archives | The Orient Express by Oriental psych jazz


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