820 6 years ago
Welcome to a brand new and FRESH edition of the late night show meant to provide a place of audio refuge for those up late and looking to ditch that nasty TV - 2 hrs of real good feel good selections across the genres - Do hope you find something to enjoy here?

KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OUR NETWORK SHOW DEBUT AND 2 HR GUEST MIX INCOMING 13.07.17 FROM 19.00 - 22.00 GMT VIA http://www.boxfrequency.fm

Intro; Born Dropped Out: 12 Questions For Hippie Kids
Renee Sleeping [MAT3] | Suzanne Kraft
Abando (Instrumental) | Cantoma
Afterlife | Miracle (cantoma mix)
Tease The Cat | Foster
Sample; 12 Questions For Hippie Kids
The Facts And The Dreams | Fragile State
Male Intuition | Suzanne Kraft  
Yawn Yawn Yawn | Sth Notional played @ +4% Pitch
A Touching Trip | Green Beats
Nevergreen | Emancipator
Got To Fan The Flame (1979) | Gordon's War
Better | Propellerheads
Blind Andy. | Tommy Awards EP
Everyday A Story. | Fragile State
Paradise Drive | Hatchback
Le Sourire Volé Ash Ra Tempel
We Don't Know How (Broad Souls) | Faze Action
The Egg | "Lost at sea"
Journey Unknown Fuga Ronto
Clear Coast (feat. Brenda Ray) | Cantoma
Once A Man Twice A Child | Expression
Looking For Summer (Original mix) | D-Connection
The Controls | Equalization Test/Opium Dreams
L'estasi Dell Oro (Bandini Remix) | Ennio Morricone
Dickicht | Wolf Muller
Exit Three | Johnny Nash
Les Europeennes [Balearic Social] |  Zmatsutsi
Leon Lowman : | Open


1 ... by Intro; Born Dropped Out: 12 Questions For Hippie Kids
2 | Suzanne Kraft by Renee Sleeping [MAT3]
3 | Cantoma by Abando (Instrumental)
4 ... by Afterlife | Miracle (cantoma mix)
5 | Foster by Tease The Cat
6 ... by Sample; 12 Questions For Hippie Kids
7 | Fragile State by The Facts And The Dreams
8 | Suzanne Kraft by Male Intuition
9 | Sth Notional played @+4% pitch by Yawn Yawn Yawn
10 | Green Beats by A Touching Trip
11 | Emancipator by Nevergreen
12 | Gordon's War by Got To Fan The Flame (1979)
13 | Propellerheads by Better
14 | Tommy Awards EP by Blind Andy.
15 | Fragile State by Everyday A Story.
16 | Hatchback by Paradise Drive
17 Ash Ra Tempel by Le Sourire Volé
18 | Faze Action by We Don't Know How (Broad Souls)
19 ... by The Egg | "Lost at sea"
20 Fuga Ronto by Journey Unknown
21 | Cantoma by Clear Coast (feat. Brenda Ray)
22 | Expression by Once A Man Twice A Child
23 Connection by Looking For Summer (Original mix) | D
24 | Equalization Test/Opium Dreams by The Controls
25 | Ennio Morricone by L'estasi Dell Oro (Bandini Remix)
26 | Wolf Muller by Dickicht
27 | Johnny Nash by Exit Three
28 | Zmatsutsi by Les Europeennes [Balearic Social]
29 ... by Leon Lowman : | Open





