Mixed in one go , random grabbed tunes , unplanned mix .
Hence no chapters nor titles . Thats half the fun , grab a tune , try to make
it work.
Mixed on cdj 400s , Numark M4 mixer / new installed
crossfader ( recent 2nd hand Christmas gifts – at the kitchen table due to foot
injury ) using Mp3’s (USB sticks )
recorded onto a Reloop 2 Mp3 recorder , no pc’s
no serato , no programs nor editing of any kind – raw live as it was mixed.
Possible mistakes will be evident. I need to practice!
The title ?
Mixed for the nation !
Tune in turn on – pop in those ear buds , cans on , stereo
up . Sit back , choose you’re poison to indulge with , close the eyes and let the mind enter a
myriad of hyperspace intoxication listening
to this most amazing form for music - my altar, my religion.
Travel without moving , a roller coaster for the mind .
Relax ,enjoy the trip.
OR get up dance into shamanism with the floor on fire , try to stamp out
those flames .....
I just hope it tickles the space between the ears .
Please , any
feedback is most gratefully received.
Boomshanka !
Peace & love
Oz - Sickrabbit
Loving it
Excellent mix