616 10 years ago
The first volume of synthetic classics both new and old.. A Sunset Radio production. Exploring the world of electronic and synthesis Sunset Aims to have a fresh installment of Synthopia weekly... including documentaries... interviews and an Eclectic mix of electronic music... With music drawn from a wide range of artists including electronic pioneers Kraftwerk, Dan Miller and Tangerine Dream...As well as more current acts like Kavinsky, College and Electric Youth.


1 Elektro Kardiogram by Kraftwerk
2 Blue Monday Hard Floor Remix by New Order
3 Enjoy The Silence Remix- by Depeche Mode
4 Being Boiled by Human League/The Future
5 Electricity by O.M.D.
6 Underpass by John Fox
7 Cars by Gary Numan
8 Warm Leatherette by The Normal (Daniel Miller)
9 Sun Flight by Silicon Teens(Daniel Miller)
10 Chorozon 86 by Tangerine Dream
11 Kavinsky by Night Call
12 College & Electric Youth by She Never Came Back
13 Under Your Spell by Desire



