119 one year ago


At first... She decided to bow out gracefully, for her own reasons. But of course, she blamed me. My mantra was...'STOP accusing me!'... In which she wouldn't. Then earlier, somehow the stars aligned and we were both on the same frequency...for once.

I told her I understand more than she thinks I do. I also said other things that she won't understand right now and at the present moment. It will take a day or two for it to sink in.


1 Where Are You? by Anna
2 Bad Ass! by Aphrodite & Micky Finn
3 Moon by Adam Ten
4 The Lighter by DJ SS
5 Bubblegum by Dor Reuven, Takirv, Mosko
6 Sans Vetements by Far&high
7 Life on Mars by Garsi
8 Black Lamborghini by Madeaux, Jace Mek
9 I See U by One True God
10 The Flip by Mountainking
11 Shantaram by Garsi
12 hopper by The Terrorist
13 I Want to See by Under Sanctions


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